so long story short, there’s a guy who I first met about 8 months ago. It was just a fwb arrangement, but it was going well & I really enjoyed his company & was even developing feelings for him. After only 3 months, he got distant & cut me off on instagram & I just left him alone. I knew that deep down, it was better for me to just leave it, cause he didn’t want a relationship with me anyway.

We went 3 months without contacting each other, cause I just assumed that was the end & I was never gonna hear from him again. However to my surprise, he got back in touch with me after those 3 months & I was surprised, suspicious but also excited. I replied because I missed him & wanted to see what he wanted. He claimed he wanted to come over & have sex with me & chill like we used to before, so I let him. I enjoyed it, but he couldn’t keep his erection which made me feel bad about myself.

He’s currently in his last year of studying his chiropractic masters degree & I saw on his instagram that he had posted that he needs to treat 300 patients in order to graduate this year. When I saw that post, I got a bit suspicious & started thinking that he only got back in touch with me for that. Part of me thought it would be a kinda messed up reason to contact me, come over & force himself to have sex with me & waste his time following me on insta just to get ONE extra patient in with him? But at the same time I started putting 2 & 2 together & was thinking that he’s not actually sexually attracted to me at all & that he doesn’t even want me for sex & never did & that he just came over to make me feel comfortable with him again so he could eventually just use me to add to his patient count for his degree.

I’m just overthinking all of this & making a few conclusions. I started thinking that the reason he didn’t get hard that last time was because he’s not attracted to me sexually anymore & he was just trying to force himself to have sex with me to get me to feel comfy with him again after that 3 months he had me deleted because he knows I’m still into him.

When he came over & we finished with the attempted sex, he told me I was welcome to come as a patient & started explaining the fees & how I could just message him to book in with him, & cause I’m attracted to him & was also curious to see how he is as a chiropractor, I started going to him & receiving his treatments for my neck & shoulder pain. He’s actually been helping quite a lot & has relieved my pain & stiffness which I appreciate, but ever since then, he hasn’t contacted me again to see me for sex & for some reason I’m a bit disappointed.

I guess it would just be too much for him to see me that often both as a patient & in our personal lives. I’m out here wandering whether he would’ve continued seeing me for sex if I hadn’t asked to see him at the clinic, & deep down I have to admit I kinda also decided to book in with him as an excuse to have guaranteed chances to see him since I’m not very sure about whether he wants to see me again for sex. I wander if he started only thinking of me as just a patient once I started seeing him there & he lost interest for me sexually, or whether he already had no attraction for me & only ever wanted me as a patient right from the beginning. It just seems a bit silly to me that he would be desperate enough to reach out to me, an ex fwb that he’s not even into JUST to get an extra patient… surely he has other family & friends he could’ve reached he’d out to for that?

I don’t post very often on instagram, & last night is the first time I posted a nice picture of myself ever since he’s been following me, & for some reason I was expecting him to like my photo & was looking forward to it because I’ve been seeing him regularly at the clinic & we have really good conversations whilst he’s treating me. However, he didn’t like my photo & instead he actually followed a friend of mine who commented on my picture which I was quite annoyed about. My friend sent me a screenshot & asked who the guy was & I told her & she said he’s a dick for following her whilst he’s meant to be seeing me. Should I delete him & cancel my future sessions with him? or is that a silly reason because he’s not my official boyfriend? should I just ignore it & continue seeing him as a patient?

Would it be a valid reason to cut it off with him just cause he didn’t like my photo & followed my friend? should it matter that he followed my friend without knowing her? it just annoys me to know that he looked at my photo, didn’t like it, looked through the comments, found her, looked at her profile & then just decided to follow her. I also see that he likes nearly every random girls picture even if it’s just a very simple selfie, & mine was actually a nice picture of me dressed ups & people commented saying it was a pretty pic & he didn’t like it.

Most of my friends have suggested I should just cut him off social media without letting him know because that’s what he did to me before. They also suggested that I just call the reception and cancel my next appointment with him instead of telling him directly so can just avoid contacting him. would the whole cutting it off with him & cancelling my sessions with him be overreacting?

  1. You should have cut him off long ago.

    And just to be clear, your arrangement was fwb. It was never, will never be anything more. Move on.

  2. My question is whether I should cut him off just because he followed my friend or not. Cause part of me doesn’t want him to know I’m bothered by that & that I should pretend I didn’t notice cause it’s kinda a subtle move that he probably thought I wouldn’t notice.

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