What did you learn from failure?

  1. Fantastic things have happened in my life due to failure.

    Heartbreaking breakup with my first serious boyfriend? Made it possible to marry the man who 1000% better than him.

    Got rejected from a job (without even being asked to phone screen!) I thought I was a shoo-in for? I ended up taking a job people said was “beneath me” that got me early stock options that, when the company IPOed, I earned more money than I could have imagined earning.

    Failure sucks in the moment but, if handled properly, can be a win in the long term.

  2. Failure is where the biggest opportunities for self growth lie.

    I mean, I wouldn’t recommend it as a fast track, but nothing casts your shortcomings into stark relief like cocking things up royally.

    “When you lose the game, don’t lose the lesson”.

  3. That failure isn’t actually failure and it’s an opportunity to grow or learn about myself

  4. That it’s OK to give up on a “dream” if you realize it’s destroying you. You don’t have to keep going no matter what – in fact, it’s healthier to stop when you realize it’s not working out for you.

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