So my first girlfriend, about 15 years ago, and I were together for about a year. Then she moved away so we accepted we were drifting apart, agreed to break it but said that if our paths cross again we might get back together.

Fast forward to now, both of us are divorced and with kids with other people. After breaking up with our 1st spouse, we got back in contact and are thinking of trying again. It will be a bit complicated, but I’ve dated since breaking up with my first wife but never found anyone who makes me feel like this old flame does.

Has anyone else got back with their first love the second or later time around? How did it go?

  1. Yep. We were together for a year or so right out of high school. We split up when I joined the military, thinking that we would have no problem finding what we had in each other again. Eventually we married other people and moved on. Twenty three years later we meet again, both divorcing and she has 2 kids. When we met, it was like we’d never been apart, like coming home. It shook us both up. And having had our own battle scars from our exes, we took it slow.

    Now we’ve been married for 13 of the best years of my life. We hold nothing back, giving our all to one another. We don’t know how much time we have left in this world but we will keep giving 110% every day to each other ’cause that is the way we want it. And somehow our bond and love just seems to keep growing, day by day, year by year. We’ve found our bliss. Best of luck to you in finding, recognizing and keeping yours.

  2. Same here! We met when we were 15/16, stayed friends but went on to marry other people. At about 37, we started dating again, got married 8 months later, and we’re about to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary! I’m a stepmom to the coolest kid and we’re pretty darn happy. 🙂

  3. We didn’t date, but were best friends in HS. Married and divorced other people. Now we are married with a kid and his two from his previous marriage. I am beyond happy we found each other again

  4. Yes. We split at 18, got back together at 30. We’re 46 now. Haven’t spent a day apart since we were 30. Raised all 6 of our kids (ours, mine, his) and have 5 grandkids now.

    It can go well!

  5. Thanks for the positive stories everyone. On this day of Charles’ coronation, who is in perhaps the world’s most famous second-marriage-after-an-unhappy-first marriage, it’s good to hear further stories of people who made it work.

  6. Not an old flame per se but an old friend. After meeting in high school and not being in touch for a number of years I got in touch after I went thru a divorce. We were both single and started off just hanging out and reconnecting. Feelings developed and the rest is history. Been married 8 years in July. We both brought a child into the marriage. We have had ups and downs like everyone but I have never been happier. Our marriage is strong, our kids are happy and life is good. This is my person! The time just needed to be right.

  7. Mine is a bit different, because my marriage is my first (and hopefully only) marriage, but I have been in a 10 years long relationship (we lived together) just before my husband.
    Me and my husband had a really short (a few days short), tumultuous fling when we were teenagers. Never in a million years I would have thought I would be married to him. I would have rather believed I would’ve been married to Vladimir Putin.

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