
I married my girlfriend of 3 years, we were schoolmates. After marriage, we started living in the an apartment opposite to my parents’ (same floor different unit)

We separated 6 months after marriage. She went back to her family. During the separation, she accused me of being “too dependant” on my mother, falsely accused me of impotence, accused my mother of being torturous and almost filed for divorce. Fast forward 3 months, she returned back and claimed that she behaved the way she did due to psychological damage inflicted by her parents since childhood.

Few months later, she started talking shit to me again, called me “an insecure loser”, “non-marriage material”, that marrying me was her biggest mistake and many other stuff. Also, she constantly quotes (doing it till today) an astrologer who once told her that she will never find happiness in marriage, so she should focus in her career instead. She even told my parents to vacate their apartment and maintain distance from us because she felt our marriage will improve if they moved away. After 8 months, my parents did and shifted to our newly constructed house. Then she decided to shift to the new property and live with my parents again.. she claimed “her heart has changed”

Today, a month after we shifted to the new property, she now wants to shift to a different city for work. I have no problem with that but made it clear that I’ll split my time between her and my family because at this point, I find her extremely untrustworthy and manipulative. She blew off and a nasty fight followed.

To summarise, this marriage has left a bad taste in my mouth. Prior to our relationship, I supported her when she was going through a rough time – (mainly) a bad breakup and therapy for depression due to parental harassment. I feel, in return, I got taken for a ride on a rollercoaster of highs and extreme lows.

  1. After you wrote your post I hope you realize what kind of shitty woman, pardon me you married. She is mentally unstable, manipulative prick that is destroying you and even your parents and your relationship with them. Run away from her as fast as you can.

  2. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth too…

    Get off the rollercoaster.

    That peace element you need at home to stay sane?

    She’s never going to give it to you.

    What are you going to do about it.

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