Idk if this is the right group to be posting this in and I’m embarrassed but like .. I figure what’s the worst that can happen.

The first time I had sex I bled a little bit, and last night I had sex and bled again. And not even after a few minutes or after we’re done, it’s like as soon as he’s inside. I’ve only had sex those two times. I’ve done some reading and I know it can be normal and it’s common but i’m worried it’ll keep happening and then i won’t wanna do anything anymore cause it’s embarrassing

  1. Is he very large? Or do you feel like he’s stretching you out? I’ve had it happen when I’ve entered someone too deeply, they bleed. Or from not enough lubrication, it can cause friction burns.

  2. As you have already found out this IS normal. However if it continues to happen you should see a doctor especially if you’re in any pain. Try again if you want hopefully you’re partner is comfortable with it and don’t be embarrassed by it, you’re body is a very strange and sensitive thing and it does weird shit.

  3. It seems like you may not have given yourself time to heal, and the second time ripped open the previous wound.

    Maybe try abstaining for a while while you heal. You can also practice with a dilator or dildo to make sure it doesn’t hurt or bleed before trying it out again. You can try non-penetrative play until you’re ready.

    Another good tip is adding lube to your play, as lack of it can increase the chance of injury.

  4. Don’t be embarrassed at all by this, it’s common, but
    Definitely don’t let it keep happening, it can cause abrasions inside your vagina and it becomes painful. It does happen occasionally but it’s not something that should happen regularly.
    The cuts can leave you vulnerable to infections, and in my experience when I was bleeding, it was really painful. You don’t need that.

    Make sure you’re properly turned on and wet/lubed up before penetration, and if it’s still happening, speak to your doctor!

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