What fashion choice did you make that now secretly makes you cringe?

  1. I shaved off my eyebrows and drew on a really terrible pair instead. I can’t believe no one told me how horrendous I looked, but then again, I didn’t have any friends back then. πŸ˜…

  2. I went to a very fancy event in a gorgeous royal blue evening dress. My skin tone does not work with royal blue, no matter how gorgeous the dress. I have no idea how I didn’t see it back then, but when I stumbled upon a photo later, I looked pink and GREY. I looked like a zombie who’d been dead for 5 months. I guess I just jumped onto the overly simplified/completely off “if I’m cool toned I should wear cool toned” color theory bullshit back then, and was hellbent on it looking good, because it “should”. Horrible. I got those photos wiped and I hope they’re gone from everyone’s mind too.

    Also as someone who was a kid in the late 90’s-early 00’s, yes, I shaved my eyebrows and redrew them with a pencil. *shudders*

  3. Made dozens of them, but the worst would be tattooing my hometown hockey team’s name on my knuckles.

  4. My favorite pair of shorts growing up was a pair of khaki cargo shorts with Tweety on them. I wore those things everywhere.

  5. Wild colors in my hair. Looking back at pictures, colors do not suit me. I looked like an X-men. My hair is already so blonde it’s white, coupled with pink, purple, green, etc. etc. it made me look like a comic book character. And not in a good way

  6. I owned a camo jacket at one point because it was just the hot thing to wear in my high school. I hate it so much now. And that says something given the fact I rocked bright orange leg warmers for a month in college in the far back year of 2014.

  7. None. If I weren’t big now I’d still wear everything I wore when I was younger.

  8. I have very curly hair. When I was a teenager, I (for some ungodly reason) decided that wearing my hair curly but straightening my bangs was the cutest thing ever. Now I cringe at the thought.

  9. I got a pixie cut after growing out my hair for 2 years. I hate it. So much.

    I’m a goddamn idiot. 🀦🏻🀦🏻🀦🏻

  10. None really? In high school I would sometimes wear a black petticoat as a skirt (like Madonna lol) but I was also the class goth weirdo

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