What are some of the behaviours you regret showing while PMSing?

  1. I am always extremely agitated and everyone can tell , I make comments that make it obvious because I’m annoyed with people when I shouldn’t do that .

    ( I also cried on the phone with PayPal customer service)

  2. Being an overly emotional hot mess who cries all day.

    *regret isn’t the right word. I wish I didn’t do this or feel this way when I’m pmsing.

  3. I hate being overly sensitive. And the SPIRALS.

    ie: Husband: It looks like you had a long day with the kids, should we order take out?

    Me: It looks like that? Do I look haggard? Is our home too messy? Does he think I can’t handle being a SAHM? Can I handle being a SAHM? Oh shit, am I bad mom?

  4. ALL THE TEARS. I am very pro-crying, but not sobbing over a Pampers commercial is a little too much for me.

  5. I hate when the pain doubles me over or suddenly makes walking impossible. It’s embarrassing because I don’t want to explain that I’m just having my period to any person that just so happens to show concern.

  6. I get ravenously hungry in the days leading up to my period, setting my diet back by a few days lol.

  7. lying on the floor bawling my eyes out. i was totally fine the next day and was like …. did i just throw a tantrum at my big age?

  8. Being irritable and overly emotional…sometimes at the same time 😵‍💫 Also, stuffing my face with all the carbs!

  9. Honestly, I’ve had about a month on the pill now and I can’t cope with the emotions. I’ve stopped taking it and switched back to the implant and I’m so looking forward to no pms.

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