If You are an introvert. How do you start socializing?

  1. As an introvert, I don’t want to socialize. That’s kind of the whole point. Going to the dog park with my dog a few times a week is plenty of socializing for me.

  2. I dont. I dont like it. Its not something I need or crave. If I talk to someone, they usually say something first.

  3. Events with an interest. DND, board games, salsa dancing, beer brewing, writers circle, etc.

  4. Personally I would start small. Begin a social discussion with someone you have to have a conversation with. For example, you do your grocery shopping and you ask the cashier how their day is going. Or you go and buy some clothes and you talk to the retail assistant about current trends of clothing or what they might recommend. Something like that and then build up.

    Nice thing about this is that the pressure is taken off you to some extent as there is no query as to why you might be making conversation or even how you’re doing it. They are natural sequences of conversation that allow you to try to stress some of your social boundaries.

  5. I am trying to get a puppy and train it to be a disabled person support dog. Part of the training requires socializing the dog and placing the dog in different circumstances and places to reinforce the desired behavior. It also would allow the trainer to socialize with other people while making the agenda clear to other people that the individual is working on socializing the dog, while simultaneously hiding an additional agenda of helping socialize the trainer and meet new people and or dogs.

  6. Introvert here, need nobody, need no recognition, happy with solitary life…I get anxiety around large groups but my anxiety goes deeper than that I’m a 21 year retired vet. When your an introvert you use your loneliness as a tool to reflect and mediate. As far as how to socialize start with small groups in your same interest….the only group I socialize with is my Jeep club because i love Jeeps so find something your passionate about and join a group.

  7. Introverts always socialize. They just have to get away and decompress when the socialize to much or too long.

  8. I am an introvert.

    If I want to socialise I call up my friends. If they are busy or I’m away from home, then I go to where people are and start talking to them, maybe make new friends.

    I’m an introvert, not some sort of antisocial creep.

  9. Get a hobby. I’ve been wargaming and playing d&d my whole life.

    Whenever I go to stores and clubs I always see people I know.

    I mean, I even had a d&d/fantasy wedding with a wife dressed as an elf queen.

  10. When people come around – ride the adrenaline. When they don’t – relax.

  11. Just to be clear, introvert doesn’t mean shy. And it doesn’t mean schizoid. It just means you need to recharge after large social interactions. You can still do it and enjoy it. But it’s more like a workout.

    Yes, there is a correlation between introversion and shyness, but they are NOT the same thing. Just get out there and meet some people. Want to find other introverts, join a D&D group or something.

  12. Being an introvert doesn’t mean you are shy or have social anxiety. It just means that it takes a lot of energy to spend a lot of time in social situations.

    As an introvert who isn’t shy or have social anxiety, i socialize the same as anybody else does. I just don’t do it for long.

  13. If the majority of people in your country are introverts, then… good luck I guess

  14. At most, I would start some small talk if I was at some party. Otherwise, I almost never start the conversation.

  15. i went to college and was forced to get out of my shell. Public speaking was ok it was a tiny class and i was relieved…hahahaha ohhhh how clueless i was. That wasn’t the real public speaking class, the real one was when you had to present infront of 60+ people every day for 15 weeks.

    So you get used to it and now i just get tired out from social situations, I love doing it but it wears me right out.

  16. By actually socializing.

    Don’t confuse introversion with social anxiety. It’s not the same and having social anxiety isn’t a prerequisite to being an introvert.

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