My husband and I had an argument last week. The content isn’t important but I’ve been upset about it since and needing to talk it through. Last night I cried myself to sleep over it, my husband saw but wasn’t sure why I was crying, he just calmed me down until I slept.

We had some errands to run this afternoon but when we got home I told him I wanted to talk to him about why I was upset last night. We hadn’t had dinner at this point so we had dinner and immediately after we were done my husband announced he had work to do (he works from home and has terrible work life balance). While working he called his friends and he’s been working and talking for the past 3 hours.

It’s now 12am, he just noticed I was upset. I reminded him I asked to talk today and he hasn’t given me any time. He said I should have asked him again after dinner and he thought I was busy because I was watching something. I said he already knew I wanted to talk and should have prioritised me and I shouldn’t have to ask twice.

He said it’s too late now so it’ll have to be tomorrow. I reminded him I’m not home all day tomorrow or tomorrow night as it’s my sister’s birthday. He said it’ll have to be Monday then. We have a lot to do Monday so I doubt we’ll get to talk then and I’m working late Tuesday-Thursday so it’ll probably be a week before I get to discuss my issue.

How do I get past this? I’m in so much pain and he won’t talk to me about it.

  1. Why wouldn’t you have talked about it when he calmed you down last night? At this point you’ve been upset about something for a week, and haven’t mentioned it to him. You gave a lame reason why you can’t talk about it either, so you don’t seem to make it a priority either.

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