I’ll go first: I recently started to get up to wash my hands before flushing my poop infected toilet… for absolutely no reason. Just forgot how to order of operations

  1. I’m generally more expressive when I’m alone. I’ll get more excited about whatever movie or game I’m watching/playing, rock back and forth, make faces, maybe even pace around.

  2. One thing I’m bad about since I started living alone again a couple years ago is getting undressed in random places and having laundry piles near the front door or in the bathroom until I walk around Saturday mornings gathering it all up to do laundry.

  3. I do a lot of weird stuff, during summer i keep a pair of underwear in the fridge over night (They are clean AND in a ziplock bag before anyone gets grossed out), I sometimes just step into my garden and stare at the grass or shed, not doing anything in particular just like seeing MY garden and MY shed, I rush up the stairs on all fours sometimes, im 31 and have no idea why I do any of this stuff.

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