What fundamental thing have you learned you personally need to be conscious about?

  1. Jumping. To. Conclusions.

    Did it this weekend and looked like an IDIOT.

  2. Getting caught in an anxiety spiral and letting disregulated emotions take the lead when I’m upset. It’s so hard to take a step back and calm down when I’m hurt, or frustrated, or scared, and it’s like my mind starts working at triple the pace to process my feelings and a million what ifs that come with them, which often only intensifies them… and I end up overreacting and miscommunicating.

  3. I can’t control everything and everyone.

    Tried to do it earlier this week and just ended up super frustrated. Some people make different choices than me.

  4. By the time I notice myself talking, it’s way past time to STFU. Other people are also supposed to get a turn.

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