Well I’ve been trying to get a date for the longest time on all of the dating apps and no success, it’s just hard to meet people or even get a chance nowadays but I still am trying but still no luck. Just thought I would post this to see if I’m the only one in this position

  1. You dating profiles don’t work for a reason.

    Most guys think that if they do what other guys do that they will get someone to respond to them, but the reality is that you should go and look at what every guy in your area is doing and then don’t do any of that!

    You should use real adult words that are descriptive of what you are trying to say and who you are. Use real full sentences that show that you have an education. Don’t take a picture that shows off your face or biceps – use pictures that show you like to do things, have a sense of humor and adventure.

    You are working on making an advertisement that shows off the product (you) but doesn’t look like every other ad out there.

    Stress that you enjoy first dates and meeting new people of all backgrounds. Stress that you are social and positive. Avoid even mentioning anything negative or judgmental.

  2. Simple solution is to not be average. Get better pictures where you look your best, wearing fresh clothes, maintaining a good look, cracking a confident smile etc. and voila: unless you’re hideous you will now look hotter on the apps than average. I really recommend using photofeeler.com to test your pictures. Get scores in the 8-9 range. Most guys can get there with effort. But it’s not going to be easy. It takes effort to get up to those scores if you’re a 5 in real life. But it’s absolutely doable. You may have to shop for some new clothes, change up your hair, get in better physical shape, get some professional shots taken that don’t look too professional, etc. It takes effort. It takes time. And no, of course you’re not the only one in this position. 80% of dudes generally fail on apps. But most people generally fail at anything they try so it doesn’t take a genuis to be in the top 20%

  3. Show us your profile pics. What did you put in the bio (if anything). How old are you? What’s your race? Do you have a job? A car? Your own place? What do you do for fun? When was your last relationship?

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