Have you ever been stood up on a date? How did you deal with it?

  1. Once. And it was an immediate red flag for me. She tried to arrange another date afterwards, but I said that I’m not interested anymore.

  2. Never stood up, but definitely canceled at the last possible moment without much explanation or apology. Seems like a side effect of app dating… Lots of flakes.

  3. Yes, it is really annoying but you can’t do anything about it, just forget about it and go back home to and do something that you enjoy.

  4. Never. But, I’ve only had three ask and two that I accepted since my husband passed in 2018.

  5. Nope, but my tactic is always to shoot them a text the day of the date to confirm things, because I figure that gives them an out if they’ve had second thoughts.

  6. Back in the day I was stood up many times. Probably because I am a skinny pale ginger. People tend to turn you down from the first look.
    Simply wallowed in self loathing for a bit then move on after a while.

    Eventually people showed up. And eventually it was someone I liked and they liked me. Then it turned to love. And marriage and kids.

  7. Hung around for a while feeling sad, then went home. I saw it coming but figured I had to try.

  8. A handful of times. Most recent was this past Sunday (with her not bringing up the option to reschedule). Blocked/unmatched because that kind of action doesn’t indicate good future behavior, went to breakfast (same branch, different location), ate what I wanted, and currently trying to process this as nicely as possible (self-care, not going on pity parties for too long, time to acknowledge it happened, and ultimately moving on).

  9. All the time. I just moved on. Go home. Get some food and turn on the Xbox. No sense in dwelling on it.

  10. Yeah, met someone on TInder. We set up to meet at a local bar. She didn’t show. I just moved on with my life and never contacted her again.

  11. No, but if anyone ever did then they would be dead to me. I never understand why people would be so rude as to do that to someone, but also why the other party would allow them to rearrange a second date/ excuse their behaviour. Bin them off if they are unreliable and do t show you enough respect. There are so many people out there who would relish the prospect of a friendship or deeper relationship with you, you just need to find them. 👍

  12. Once as a teenager. It was the first time I was meant to meet up with a girl and she ni showed and gave some shit excuse. Felt shit st the time but got over it and became really good friends with her for a while and am still friends with the guy she got with soon after she stood me up.

    It’s a horrible thing to do to someone. I’d always advise someone to just go on the date and if you’re not interested just break it to them afterwards or cancel the date at least a day in advance.

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