I walked into a bar Saturday night. I’m a tall 6’2 200 lbs. guy and when making my way pass a crowd in the center a scrawny, 5’5, 130 lbs guy thought it’d be funny, randomly in front of my walk path, begin a joke and ensue pointing at my shirt saying there’s a dirt mark, and as I look down he flicks my nose.

My immediate reaction was me punching his hand away and since it was an impulsive I had him simultaneously be stunned moving backwards. I heard in the crowd around a surprised gasp/yell of a women’s voice, so that’s when I thought that my reaction could’ve been perceived as aggressive so it was best that I just turn away and keep walking. He tried explaining to me that it was ‘just him trying to be funny’, I don’t think so, he was trying to be a jerk…or am I being sensitive and defensive?

  1. In my opinion you did the right thing… he was trying to foolish you.

  2. If it’s a friend, it hilarious. A stranger deserves to be beaten for it.

  3. I don’t agree with violence, but honestly man I’m not sure what else I would do in that situation so honestly I don’t blame you, I would’ve been pissed off too.

  4. That’s an incredibly risky “joke” to play on a stranger. Many people would reflexively punch the guy. It’s not a funny thing to do. That guy was an asshole

  5. I have personal space issues and being touched intentionally by anyone other than my wife, makes me bug out and could get physical. Keep your hands to yourself and we’ll get along fine, try to punk me and touch me for a laugh at my expense, not so much.

  6. Fuck that. I would have punched the skin off his chin for that shit. Wtf is wrong with ppl nowadays?

  7. Don’t let anyone shame you for protecting yourself. No-one should be putting their hands on you and young guys have no idea how to show mutual respect.

    You did the right thing.

  8. If some dumb little shit wants to fuck around then they will find out

  9. A friend gets a laugh because that’s the silliest shit I’ve seen in a while.

    A stranger gets smacked across the face for touching me. At the very least I’m shoving the asshole out of my way.

  10. I’d probably laugh at that it’s harmless it’s definitely not worth getting physical over

  11. You did the right thing. Never shame another man in public, especially a stranger, and ESPECIALLY a stranger who can kick your ass

    That’s not a “joke”. He was trying to be the cool guy at your expense and it backfired.

  12. Perspective is all. To him a joke. To you he was being mean. How you deal with it is up to you.

  13. It’s one thing to tease, an entirely different thing to touch a different person.

    Scrawny little dude obviously didn’t have much for brains when flicking your nose. He had it coming.

    Don’t invade person’s personal space unless you have been invited to do so.

  14. Yeah, if you go to the bar and decide to fuck around, you’re about to find out what happens. Sounds to me like the other guy was lucky to poke someone like you who has a great deal of restraint.

  15. The guy was obviously a classless loser. You held yourself properly and with class. It doesnt matter if you are 6’5 or 5’5, you chose the path that made him look like the bonehead he really is without doing anything rash.

  16. Don’t touch me unless you know me. Especially for something like that. I wouldn’t swing at him but I’d make it clear that’s not something to pull with strangers. Situations like that, especially in bars, usually are somebody looking to start a fight for a dumb reason or clout, that goes double when it’s someone smaller trying to get into it with someone bigger.

  17. Drop my eyebrows and start twitching the left of my upper lip. The odd low mutter thrown in. People usually walk away.
    Saw it once in an old Clint Eastwood western.

  18. Do not touch strangers.

    Do not touch strangers’ faces.

    I think you had an appropriate reaction.

  19. you did fine. don’t put up with bullshit. you didn’t overreact and sometimes people need a smack to wake them up. people are used to having lives with no consequences.

  20. Regardless of your size differential or gender, anyone reaching and touching a stranger’s face should expect to get slapped, punched or shoved away at minimum. You showed great restraint and that idiot got away in one piece, lucky and hopefully wiser. Alcohol makes people stupid.

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