I had a late lunch and am not that hungry for dinner yet. Men of Reddit, how have you betrayed your wife or significant other?

  1. We were gonna watch the ending of an anime at my house, but I couldn’t wait 2 days for her so I watched it by myself, then acted surprised when we did it together

  2. Did not buy her chocolate for Easter, despite never having done so in the previous 15 years we’ve been together. I guess that 16th year was the last straw.

  3. I went to an art Festival and only brought her back artist cards instead of small trinkets

  4. I took the candy she wouldn’t stop eating and put it on top of the cabinet where she couldn’t reach it.

    her: “That’s not funny.” And walked away.

    me: “You’re right. It’s not funny. It’s *hilarious.*” Follows her and we proceed to sexytimes.

  5. Got drunk last night. Totally pissed at me. Irresponsible driving around the kids and all.

  6. For Mother’s Day one year when my daughter was a toddler, I asked her what she wanted for Mother’s Day. She insisted she didn’t want me to get her anything. So I didn’t.

    Well, come Mother’s Day, she was pissed. She didn’t want anything from me, but I was supposed to get her something from my daughter.

    I’ve never made that mistake again. Though it would have been nice if she had also answered my original question and been clear about what she meant.

  7. I eat or drink the last of something delicious that’s I had restrained myself from eating for three weeks. ‘Waaah, I was saving that, how could you?’

  8. Similar to Johnny Depp, I wrote OORJ on my cocaine box (get your own, bi*ch).

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