The reason i’m asking this is because i’m a bit confused about this guy’s crush on me. He already has a girlfriend and multiple other girls he can have sex with. He did say he likes me but he literally doesn’t even know me. He only knows me by my looks bc we met in a few parties but never talked to each other and the last time he tried to talk to me i ignored him so i’m assuming he only likes me bc of my looks and is probably only after sex.

So the problem is i’ve never had sex so i don’t really know how it is. Is the reason he wants to have sex with me bc it’s a whole new experience with a new person? Or is it just the feeling of power when he can get the girl he thinks is cute to sleep with him? Is he gonna like sleep with me once and then disappear bc he got the sense of conquest or is it actually something enjoyable with someone new? Like does it feel different with a new person? If it doesn’t, why does he even like me when he can sleep with so many other girls?

  1. Always different.

    There may be some overlap in some areas, but every person has felt different.

  2. Would you really want to spend your first time with this guy when you aren’t even sure if he’s going to stick around?

    If you want him to stick around then first date him and see if you like him.

    If you sleep with him the way you said your story I feel it’s just going to be a one night stand and it’s a shame that you lose your virginity in this way, you could regret it. Don’t rush into it.

  3. You ask if it’s different person to person. Yes it is cause everyone is different.
    Sure, sex is the same in basics, but everyone does things differently which leads to different experiences.

    But I’d try to think a bit more about his motives.
    Has he shown much interest in you before, or only after he’s slept with a the other girls?
    From your brief description it seems like he might want to add you to his list of conquests. Maybe more so if he knows you’re a virgin. Or he just trying to fill a void and thinks that the next girl will fix it. Which it won’t obviously.
    But these are just assumptions that might be helpful to consider.

    I’m more of the mind that sex is special and should only be done with someone you would marry. Like the idea of only dating someone you could potentially see yourself marrying.

    So don’t think you should have sex just because someone suggestst it. Know your worth. Everyone is incredibly precious, so treat yourself that way and don’t cheat yourself and sleep with someone just because they said they think you’re cute/hot. That shouldn’t be all it takes to get laid.

    Hope this somewhat helps

  4. Don’t loose your v to a heaux. Pls. Think about it. He has a girl think of how devastating it would be to find out ur man is cheating on you. Put yourself in her shoes. This isn’t about it feeling different with different people it’s about principles. Don’t be a home wrecker because you will always be labeled a heaux and your self esteem will tank and you will be the talk of your circle

  5. I’ve been this guy a couple years ago.
    I gonna tell you something. But i have a call now.
    I’ll be back in 30min-60min

  6. There’s no way to know what his motives are. But to answer your question about the experience – every person I’ve been with has been different.

    If he has a girlfriend, I’d be the most concerned about the fact that he’s maybe going to cheat on her? Unclear to me if that’s the case, but it sounds like a messy situation that might not be great for your first time.

  7. They call variety the “spice of life” and there’s good reason for that.

    Every woman I’ve ever been with is different and each in their own way. From their overall looks, to their aroma, to their taste, to how they move and what their likes and dislikes are.

    Women are different in what they want in terms of sex. My first wife was a raging nymphomaniac. She would fuck man or woman, both at the same time or as many at once who wanted to fuck her. And there were plenty who would and who did over our 26 years together.

    My present wife, one ex-husband who abused her and 4 one night stands before we met. She knew my history with various women. She’s nothing at all like my ex, and that’s a relief, enjoyable and in some ways more fulfilling.

    Everyone is unique. Enjoy the one’s you like and find your own pleasures. Life’s too short. Just be cautious, be smart and stay healthy in you sex life. It too is the only one you’ll ever have.

  8. As I mentioned before, I was just such a guy a few years ago. In my mid-twenties, I was practically on the prowl. There was this 1 year. In that year, I deflowered 3 girls. 2 even in one week. I told the girls that it was going to be purely physical and if they were sure they were going to lose their virginity to someone they might never see again.

    Today I look back on that time and unfortunately I have to say that I should not have done that, even if the girls agreed. They could not know at that point what this will do to them and for me it was pure lust and desire.

    I would recommend you to have your first time with a boy who will also go the way with you afterwards. And this guy you are talking about seems to be a young bull. Let him sow his wild oats, but not on your virginity.

  9. Every person is different, and you can have different experiences with the same person.

  10. Dude, he has a gf, why do you even think about a person that flirt with other girls While is al ready engaged?

  11. Everyone has a different way of going about it.

    I’ve only legitimately had sex with one person, but I have made out with a few people and that was different for sure. I’m assuming it would be the same with sex, too.

  12. Whole new experience.

    Every woman I’ve been with has their own tempo, turn-on s, turn-offs and sexual responses. For example, I’ve never been able to do oral on one woman and use that same method on another and have them both cum the same. You have to listen to their body, take feedback and experiment. That’s why I roll my eyes when I see dudes here brag about their oral skillz…it makes me think they just don’t know what they don’t know

  13. I’ve slept with close to 100 different people and they were all different. All a unique experience. Obviously, I’ve always really enjoyed sex and sleeping with new partners. So if I were you, I would definitely sleep with him. But that’s your call to make. It sounds like he’s probably only interested in sex and not a relationship. Especially considering he’s already in a relationship. Only you know if you’re ok with that or not. The sex will feel good. Getting ignored afterwards probably won’t.

  14. You can’t generalise like this at all. His motives can be many things. Strong physical attraction is a strong force on its own.

    But in general, every interaction is unique and different if it is consensual sex.

    If he already has a girlfriend and is being unfaithful to her with you, I would not expect him to be very reliable…

  15. It’s always different with different people and sometimes different even with the same person. I also find that I myself am different with different partners.

  16. It’s different with every person, but don’t lose your v-card to him, who has a girlfriend and, “multiple other girls he can have sex with.”

  17. >Or is it just the feeling of power when he can get the girl he thinks is cute to sleep with him?

    It’s mostly this, I bet.

  18. Unless his gf is aware of him having sex with other girls and potentially you and is ok with that, why even think about having sex with him?

    Stop talking to him if he’s a cheater.

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