And it was alright. Idk just wanted to share that I guess. Watched Evil Dead Rises. Wish I had a beer but the bar was closed so that was probably the worst of it.

  1. Did the same thing on Friday. Watched Return of the Jedi, the special edition cut though 🙁
    but I enjoyed most of it

  2. I love going to movies by myself! I need to do it more often. For extra fun, try watching the last 15min in one theatre room and then go to the one you are supposed to attend once its ads are done. It’s quite amusing to watch deeply emotional, climactic scenes all dramatized when you haven’t developed personal connections to them yet. I don’t know if I’m weird or if other people like this, too.

  3. Hard for me to go to the movies anymore. Nit because im antisocial, but because there is an ever increasing number of people who dont know how to act in a theater.

    Hate that some teenager can throw food and spray soda on you, and you cant react because “everyone is entitled to enjoy the movie in their own way”; i wanted to punch that manager woman in her smug face. Probably was her kid in there.

  4. I’ve seen hundreds of movies by myself. I actually prefer it. No schedules to coordinate, no tastes in movies to match up, etc. Talking about a movie should only happen after the movie anyway (unless it’s something like MST3K, or friends riffing in a private place).

  5. Peaceful isn’t it? I eat out a lot by myself, wife thinks I’m a weirdo. Funny part is whenever I eat at the bar, more times than not some girl will surface “here alone?” LOL.

    Sometimes you need some you time.

  6. Dude I am happy for you, but you are right a beer would have been awesome

  7. I do it all the time. Its fun. You can buy your own popcorn and drinks for yourself. Going for another one today.

  8. Fair play dude! Did the same thing Saturday. Felt very uncomfortable at first but as soon as the movie started I didn’t really care.

  9. Going to the movies by yourself is so easy once you get used to it. I do it a lot, and nobody ever bats an eye. And you’re sitting in a dark room, so people don’t see you.

  10. Always a great time, stop by a gas station before the movie next time and just get yourself a beer there bro!

  11. Same. I took beer in with me in a rucksack. And snacks. Going to things alone is normal. Was plenty others sitting alone. Even women.

  12. Wth I actually did just that for the same movie on saturday! Haha🤜🏻🤛🏻

  13. Went to the movies alone once and the guy sitting next to me kept coughing the entire time . Never did it again afterwards just recalled that dude was really sick or a smoker

  14. Awesome dude! I remember the days where I just absolutely hate going to the movies alone. Anxiety and the feeling that people might judge me for watching a movie alone. I would get anxious at the thought of watching movies alone.

    Last year I decided to face my fears and go watch a movie alone(Top Gun). Honestly, it was one of those things I regret not doing earlier. I would buy snacks and food and just sit in the dark theatre minding my own business. Sooner or later you would find out that actually a lot of people watch movies alone. No one cares about you sitting all by yourself with snacks. It took me quite sometime to realise this. Now I just love watching movies all by myself.

  15. Why isn’t this normal?

    I went to restaurant once alone at Patio to watch live music, one of my bravest moment which is so stupid considering why is this not normal

  16. I do this sometimes its really not that bad. First time sure was a bit weird but second time I went out for a g and T, some popcorn and treated myself.

  17. I see to many horror posts… at first I thought this was another horror post

  18. Honestly I have grown to love going to the movies alone. Hell if I’m not doing anything on a Sunday afternoon that’s where you will fine me. 18 bucks with drink for 2 hours of peace and being able to feel free from needing to check my phone is glorious

  19. I love seeing movies by myself. No one else to worry about just you and the movie.

  20. Lol I did the same. I have a broken ankle so I snuck a 5th of captain in my boot. I go to the movies alone every once in a while tbh. It relaxes me.

  21. Hey I just want to say that going to a movie by myself is such a treat. I go in, buy an entire pizza and a giant soda and honestly usually fall asleep. Before the pandemic I would also share slices if people were nearby.

    Hope you do it again. Have fun.

  22. Amazing, happy for you stranger!

    I went to a bar alone the other day, a quiet bar,

    had a beer, worked a bit and studied for a certificate a bit, worst experience ever, I was so long inside my mind and felt it made my depression worse.

    Never gonna do again, always wanted to do these fun stuff alone but never able to sadly, I’ll keep trying but with other places, never to a bar.

  23. Did that when my girlfriend was out of town for Parasite so I guess I sort of dodge the existential loneliness crisis some people may feel when doing this. But regardless, it’s still a nice experience when it’s a movie you’re quite invested in.

  24. I love to go to the movies by myself. I get lost for 2 hours in a world that isn’t mine. No social media, no kids, no decision making.

  25. This is honestly on my bucket list, I’ve never gone to a movie alone in my life but someday I will! It seems relaxing

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