So, I have medium-sized boobs (I just bought a 32D bra, but it’s hard to give a sense of size because of how wildly bras vary; just think good handfuls that spill over a bit).

My breasts used to be a bit perkier, but then the pandemic hit and I said goodbye to bras when I brought my braless habit from being inside the house all the time to just saying, “fuck it, I can do this all the time” and haven’t worn a bra for the past three years. Despite my expectations, I think it made my breasts saggier.

I think the sagging has also stretched out my areola size, which was already pepperoni-sized before. They only get smaller with the cute small nipple look when I’m cold or horny, but even then they’re still large, unsightly so (at least to me).

So, I’m putting the bra back on, but I need more ideas to naturally perk up my boobs and Make (my) Areolas Cute Again.

  1. Chest exercises with help “bring them up”, so to speak. But won’t be like getting a breast lift or anything. There are procedures you can have done to lift your breasts and give you smaller areolas, but IDK if it’s worth all that. I have big breasts myself, so I know what it feels like to want to keep them from falling victim to gravity as long as possible. But, it’s not so bad really. Fact is, there is nothing wrong with breasts that have a little sag to them, and nothing wrong with having large areola. Titties come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and types. A good bra or two will make them look great in anything and anyone you’re getting intimate with is not going to stop in the middle because your areolas happen to not be the size of dimes, or whatever. Don’t let it bother you too much.

  2. There is no way to correct that outside of plastic surgery.

    While not wearing a bra may have sped up some sagging, it happens to almost everyone at some point as you age.

    You will find guys won’t really care and some that are attracted to larger areolas.

  3. ummmm, dont think anything short of plaastic surgery can change that. but, why worry? there is not a guy on earth that will complain. you are in your own head over this, adn i understand that, but guys are so happy to get you naked, cause that means sex is gonna happen. even just walking around, we men will never complain, say anything about them, we will just be grateful that we get to look at boobies! seriously, this isnt a thing

  4. This is more than likely just an aging process, not the result of going without a bra.

  5. Nipple piercings girly, it sounds like I have very similar boobs as you do and getting piercings doesn’t make your areolas smaller but it makes your nipple look hard all the time and they poke out a little more. Also I started not wearing a bra a while ago also and I don’t think I’ll go back, it’s so nice and comfy and freeing

  6. Imo all areolas are beautiful. Pepperoni sized all the better. Society steers us to: perky nipples & small areolas. But all women are different & beautiful. Breasts are beautiful.

  7. OP. Im telling you your areolas are fine.

    And your breasts are fine too.

    Im not sure where the the idea originated but i dont get the societal pressure to perkiness. I know it hurts a lot of people though.

    Every woman I have ever been with breast sag. Thats like more normal than anything.

    Its not a flaw. Its a natural state of the world. Nothing to be ashamed off.

    Burn that bra

  8. The only way you can “perk” them up is by doing chest presses and butterflies at the gym or I guess pushups and dips at home. Which is good for you!

    But don’t worry. Your areolas are as cute as they’ve always been.

  9. Boobs sag, areolas stretch. Such is life. Fuck any guy who cares.

  10. As we age breasts sag, this is also related to genetics. It however wont change ur areola size. Areola size changes based on hormones, often when pregnant, but other hormones can cause them to increase too.

    Only surgical option ls can reduce them. Work out your chest muscles, may help lift your breasts again. But saggy boobs are beautiful too.

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