How and why are you optimistic?

  1. Why?

    Because I have great friends, a solid job, I live in an amazing country, I’m in great health both mentally and psychically, I have zero worries about my own personal future


    By working hard, by securing a future by working my ass off and saving as much money as I can, by spending money wisely and being friends with people who are happy and fun

  2. Im very optimistic. As a Christian I have a lot of faith and I have read the Bible and I know that Good wins in the end.

  3. Because things are infinitely better than they were 2 years ago. I’m no longer suicidal, I’m about to graduate from college in two weeks, and I’m less than a month from moving to my boyfriend’s city and starting a high-paying job. Things are looking up:)

  4. Because the converse is miserable and can eventually be tasking on mental health. I don’t want to drive away friends, or even acquaintances, with negativity. Being optimistic is a choice.

  5. Because even if the universe is chaos and we’re all just specks floating on a rock, then I get to decide what matters and has meaning, and I’m choosing to live a life that is full of optimism, love, hope, joy, and beauty. I can still choose that, even if everything else goes to shit

  6. I’m very lucky/blessed/privileged in my background. Keeps me optimistic and enjoying/living in ‘the moment’ because I’ve never had to worry about a lot of things most people do (eg money, loans/debt, food/shelter, etc).

  7. I’ve never really experienced optimism the way that my girlfriend does. My version was always, “whatever, I’m sure it’ll be fine and I won’t die.” Her version of optimism is, “I expect the best for myself and I deserve good things. Why wouldn’t I one day be rich/famous?”

    I’ve learned to be more genuinely optimistic by following her lead. I try to assume the best possible outcome because it’s her natural perspective. She was raised in a safe/loving home and had a normal life through her 20’s. I try to imagine that my life was the same and that I was brought up with that level of self assurance and trust.

    It has been fairly effective when I’m trying to reach new goals or meeting new people. I think having an optimism role model can work wonders. Before my current partner I also had a mentor who was extremely optimistic as well.

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