I feel fine when I’m hanging out with my friends but when I go home I feel super tired and almost the moment I lay down in my bed I fall asleep, does this happen to anyone else? (Also sorry if I worded that weirdly it’s the middle of the night and English is not my first language)

  1. Do you feel like interacting with others is a lot of mental work for you?

  2. Yep!

    I’m a dyed in the wool introvert, which means different things to different people, but the best definition I’ve found highlights it as:

    Introverted means you charge your energy through activities and time spent alone, and Extroverted means you charge your energy through activities and time spent with others.

    Yes, doing stuff is exhausting, and that is simply the way that it is that I’ve experienced, but also I know that I find rest and comfort in spending time by myself. I love my friends, and have fund seeing them and hanging out, but it takes more energy out of me than other people.

    LowHangingFrootLoop has a good bit of insight as well, that the amount of effort you feel you need to spend socially vs what is actually “required” of you in social situations may not be the same. Despite being introverted, I have a very loud personality sometimes, and like to contribute to the action and excitement. But also, sometimes I will get together with friends for a movie night and we’ll have a few moments of pleasantries getting settled and then no one says a damn thing for hours. And we’re all comfortable with that.

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