Out of general curiosity:

* Would it be considered too much/weird for the first time?
* What kind of gestures would you feel comforted by or have been comforted by?

* Did it make you feel closer to them/make future intimate moments easier to initiate?

* Any other miscellaneous thoughts/insights. Or experiences from men’s perspectives?

  1. Depends if it’s FWB or someone I’ve been dating. I’m not a fan of aftercare in FWB. It’s not necessary.

  2. I think it’s very attractive to be thoughtful about your partner. Even in a FWB situation. I think having a handy, clean, towel is never a bad idea. One guy had bottles of water near the bed for me, which I thought was super nice and showed he was thinking about me and planning for the future.
    I think cuddling is considered aftercare and I really appreciate that even in a FWB situation. And complimenting your partner on the sex, or something you like about their body.

  3. Everyone’s different of course. I’m really into affection so I’d want to cuddle close, be told sweet things that make me melt or get flustered, hold hands or fall asleep next to him. I had one ex and we would hang out for hours after. Once when he gave me a ride home it was cold outside so he gave me his jacket which was really cute with it smelling like him and it reminding me of him when I was home.

    I don’t have too many limits but being told something like “omg you’re the love of my life”, “where have you been all my life” or “I love you” those would be too much.

  4. Ew who named it aftercare? Isn’t this just natural things that happen after sex? A guy gets me water? (Is a considerate person). We cuddle? These are just natural automatic things for me. 😂. I guess the water depends on who’s place it is. If we are at my place, I’ll ask him if he wants water. I guess I provide aftercare as well 🥴🤪

  5. Depends on how the hookup went or how casual it was supposed to be. I like some time just laying together afterwards personally, we don’t have to talk or gaze into each other’s eyes lovingly but at least hold me for a bit.

    Or, y’know, smack on the ass followed by “good game” /s lol

  6. I can’t remember the last time something like aftercare was done after I’ve had sex with a man. I think it’s appropriate especially during the first time and any time afterward. Definitely would make me feel closer to them and intimate. I guess the closest thing I can think of would be cleaning up any sexual fluids that you might have put on her body (if you know what I mean). Just asking if she’s comfortable. Asking her if she would like to snuggle. Glass of water. Etc.

    For me if it’s a fwb or serious relationship I think offering is still nice.

  7. Depends. If it’s a boyfriend, I like it. If it’s a hookup/something less than a boyfriend, not necessary.

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