We first met in 2019 on new year celebration. Her friend told me she likes me and I approached her. She was shy and I’m clumsy when It comes to courting so nothing happened. Then few months later she approached me but she was drunk (that is only time I’ve seen her drunk) so she managed to confuse us both and run away. After that who ever was in my company would notice that if me and that girl where in same place her eyes where always glued to me. It was going on entire 2019. Then came Covid 19 and we have maybe really bumped into each other 1-2 times but I did notice she was still looking at me.

In 2021. She started working in same company as I do. While we would sometime talk for hours on work in all themes you can think of (and she would often initiate conversation), she insisted on not hanging out outside work. I told her what I feel and have asked her our but she told me she does not look at coworkers in that way and even if it was just a after work coffee she would still refuse.

As we live in town with limited options where you can go during weekend we would often bump into each other but she insisted it would be just greetings and then everyone would just go with his own group. It would go to the point where if I don’t greet her first we would just ignore each other for entire night.

Few months ago I changed job so we no longer work together.

I decided to continue with same level of communication with her as before I would say hi and move on or If I did not feel like it I would simply ignore her (as she was completely fine with that while we where working together).

I have few people I’m friends from old company and we hangout.

One told told me that she complained to him that I barely greet her and don’t want to talk to her

Then the other one few weeks told me “what is this friend of yours thinking now? He is pretending not to know me and we worked together for 2 years. Why is he avoiding me” – not necessarily word for word but that context.

Like it is completely illogical to me. First she does not want me near her in her private life while we where coworkers and now that she no longer have to communicate with me at all she is upset that I act exactly how she wanted me to act in past 2 years.

Can someone help me understand what is her logic?

TLDR: I met a girl at a New Year’s celebration in 2019, and we had some confusing interactions where we both seemed to like each other but never acted on it. We ended up working together for a while and talked a lot, but she never wanted to hang out outside of work. Now that we don’t work together anymore, she’s upset that I don’t talk to her as much, even though that’s what she wanted when we were coworkers. I’m confused about her intentions and not sure how to proceed.

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