I said I would not even need to think and that the kid better be a good swimmer and I was told that I am evil, I am sick in the head and I am the only person in the world to feel this way.
Guys am I a terrible person?

  1. > Guys am I a terrible person?


    > Ok then, you won’t be happy when I tell you that the amount of children is irrelevant as well, 10 random kids I don’t know and am not related to verses my dog that I’ve had since she was a puppy. Yeah, no choice really for me.

    Your a Psychopath, it’s a Pet.

    Not pet is worth the life of 1 child let alone 10

  2. Nah, your good. I would have said your all fucked as I’m stealing boat for myself.

  3. Yes. A human life is worth more than a dog life. People on reddit will probably disagree.

  4. Yeah, I would say that’s monstrous. The mental image of you sitting in a lifeboat, calmly watching a child drown while you pet your dog is pretty chilling stuff.

  5. Hang on, why can’t you carry the puppy on your lap?

    Or the child, for that matter.

    Save both.

  6. Not from a hypothetical.

    But if you did it in real life you’ve be a wrong un, but would be overruled/overpowered by everyone else in the boat anyway if you tried to insist on the puppy over the child so I guess it doesn’t really matter.

  7. I love my dog dearly, but I would save your child over my dog in your position.

  8. Not necessarily, if you did that in real life then obviously yeah, you’d be a monster.

  9. If I knew you in person, I would not want to associate with you any more after finding that out.

    Completely selfish and devoid of empathy, literally a monstrous choice and not a person worth trusting or investing in.

  10. I think the more apt question is would you give up your seat for the dog to survive?

  11. People have totally irrational attachments to their pets. I just don’t get it. Your dog would eat you if it had to.

  12. Tbh a puppy and a child are both liabilities in a survival situation. See if you can find a barefoot Australian instead.

  13. A dog can swim quite happily and they have insulating fur. I’d rescue the people but have the dog swim in the water as they have a better chance of survival in there than a human would. Also a dog has claws and I’d hate for them to puncture a life raft.

  14. The correct answer is: kill one of the child’s parents, then you have space for the dog and the child.

  15. I think it’s important to recognise that OPs account has posted 32 posts to reddit in the last 14 hours. They also claim to be an ” advanced nurse practitioner” which if true is concerning they would hold this belief when their primary function is to care for humans.

    Most of the posts are potentially quite divisive as well. Account less than a month old.


  16. I mean it’s a nonsense argument but yes, anyone who chooses an animal over a person is fucked in the head.

    In your hypothetical situation you’d be fine because everyone else in the lifeboat would chuck you and your dog overboard

  17. Technically, the dog is better for your survival wherever you land.

  18. OPs argument for keeping the dog instead of the child seems to centre around the fact that OP cares more for the dog than a child they have never met. This is indisputable, of course they do.

    However this shows a lack of basic empathy: OP does not, in any of their arguments below, consider the affect of the child’s death on its loved ones, parents, friends, family etc.

    This demonstrates a severe lack of empathy and a lack of understanding of the greif caused by the loss of a human life vs the loss of the life of an animal.

    This is why people have a problem with it OP.

  19. It’s definitely not as simple as people are making out.

    It’s essentially the next step to the trolley problem.

    People who say a human life is obviously worth more than a dogs life. Would you all go down to pure number of lives saved during the trolley problem too.

    Your own child is tied on one side of the tracks, two other people you’ve never met are tied on the other. Are you saving your own child and condemning another two people to death? What about 5? 10? Where do people draw the line?

    Call me selfish but I’m 100% making that choice.

    If one child’s life is worth more than two others because you have the personal attachment to one then clearly its not strictly about numbers.

    Do I think I’d choose a dog over a human? Probably not, but I can 100% see why some people would. I know full well what I’m doing if I had a choice of saving my two kids or letting a whole school in Tunisia explode.

  20. Oh hun, it’s not real. Go chill out, maybe take your dog on a nice walk?

  21. I am a bit curious on the purpose of the post?
    In your question it sounds like are trying to get feedback on whether people align with you morally or if you need to be worried about being an outlier.
    Yet when anyone has disagreed with your stance your response is to bring up even more extreme examples. Almost like you are wanting to get a bigger reaction to your opinion?

  22. I think to be honest this is one of those situations where it’s harder to play out in a hypothetical.

    If you told me I had to press one of two buttons one button kills one of my dogs and the other kills some random kid it’d be the random kid dying every day of the week.

    On this situation though you’re actually there with the kid who can probably vocalise to a certain extent, we’re hard wired to react with empathy towards human distress especially towards children. I think it’s unlikely you’d be able to just chill out in your lifeboat while a kid slowly drowns next to you.

  23. Look… I’m not fond of kids. Don’t want any. I love dogs and am adopting.

    I’d still save some random child over my own dog. I’m not saying I’ll be happy to do so. I will feel bitter about it. But I’ll still do it.

  24. No you’re not the only person. Planet is over-crowed and I don’t give a shit about kids

  25. Well I hope at the very least you are a vegetarian. Then you might have the smallest slither of a moral argument.

  26. From reading your comments it appears you have significant mental health problems and I genuinely hope you can find help.

  27. I’m assuming you are not sitting in the lifeboat.
    I’d take my chances with my puppy and give the seat to the child.

  28. I’d say the puppy could sit on your lap and the child could have the extra seat. How small is this life boat?

  29. Although, I fall in the opposite camp of the child comes first, I understand you love your dog. But your dog is also capable of swimming, so at the very least, you should see them as equal.

  30. Yes – more than that – society has already decided this question for you. If you deliberately allowed a child to die to save an animal you would end up in prison.

    More than that when they sentenced you they would take into account what they call “High culpability”.

  31. Someone posted a similar thread on Unpopular Opinion a while ago, but it was more like if there was a fire they’d save their cat rather than a kid. So no, you’re not the only person in the world to feel this way. But yes, I believe you are wrong to think this and feel a child’s life is worth infinitely more than a dog’s.

  32. I can’t imagine anyone worse than someone who would allow a child to drown rather than getting their dog to sit on the floor or their lap!

  33. OP all I understand from this thread and your posts is, you value animal life more than human life.

  34. If OP is really a nurse (doubt it), her work needs to be notified that she is mentally unwell. All her posts are batshit insane, they clearly have mental health issues, keep bringing up killing Jesus and angels, and babies. They use the fact they’ve “saved babies” as a nurse to justify this hypothetical situation. If she really is a nurse I feel worried for anybody being treated by her…

  35. Yes you are a bad person. Its even funnier that you asked and then are trying to get sassy at the honest answers in the replies. Your dog isn’t important. They are not equivalent to children. The only thing that’d explain this silly rationalisation is selfishness. I understand why you were shunned for this completely

  36. I bet a good number of people calling you a monster here would struggle in that situation.

    Say there were 2 kids vs your own kid. Who would they save then? Surely the 2 kids as human life is more important? But I highly doubt it.

    How many people here have pets but say they would save the baby first?
    How much do they spend on dog / cat food each month?
    How much do they donate to charities to help save lives each month?

  37. I remember choosing an army dude over a pregnant hairdresser in HS, lmfao 🤣

  38. Haha

    OP clearly didn’t get the support they wanted so decided to post it in the cesspool that is /childfree

  39. Save the dog. If we’re not rescued quickly, we’ll need something to eat.

  40. Might be interesting to consider what the child would choose between you and the pup if the child were already in the lifeboat and you + pup in the water?

    Since you are so dedicated to the pup I assume you would calmly hand it into the lifeboat and swim away?

  41. Why is it so hard for some to comprehend there are people who love their pets more than anything? Let them, no need to come out with idiotic name calling like unhinged and monster.

  42. You clearly are. Never seen such evil in a human in me life.

    Anyway, it’ll all blow over in the morning.

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