
I’m around the Bournemouth area and after many years have realised I’m not likely to have friends or meet any new friends, I’ve basically only really left the house for necessities and could stay in for long periods of time (also mental health is part to blame) but I am feeling like I want to get out more now so my question is, what is something or somewhere a person could go on their own and enjoy themselves?.

Thanks in advance for any help/comments made.

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  2. >what is something or somewhere a person could go on their own and enjoy themselves?

    Walking/running/the gym/cycling

    The cinema


  3. I love just going out and having a drive on my own, stop off at a coffee shop and then move on to the next place

    Likewise I just go on walks with headphones in and listen to podcasts

  4. I like going for jogs, walks cycling, swimming, the gym etc if my workout bud isn’t available.

    Museums, cafes to people watch, even a bar in the afternoon for one and a seat to read or doomscroll, more people watching (I’m not a weirdo, just fascinating seeing what folks get upto in their day to day lives that are nothing in the grand scheme of life)

    The cinema is great when you just want peace, the theatre too. Botanic gardens, markets, community centre drop in type fayre are all happily done alone and can instigate conversations.

    I’ve seen me crocheting in my car at a country park, nipped out to get a coffee from the kiosk and get chatting for a half hour with a woman who saw me crocheting and didn’t want to scare me in my car by coming over – we had a lot more than just crochet in common and it was a brilliant wee blether.

    You’ll not be the only person on your tod, conversation is easily struck up but if solitude is your goal that’s very easily done too (politely!)

  5. In Bournemouth, you should go to the pier (really nice), but I imagine right now, it is rammed with people.

    Poole doesn’t offer much more, but Poole Park and Poole Quay are nice places!!!

    Old Harry Rocks. Swanage. Wareham. Maybe even as far as Salisbury. These are all places for great days out.

  6. I’m in California with the exact same thing going on!

    I like to stay at home for the most part, but when I want to get out, I go to a nearby park and run my dogs but that isn’t fun. If I go out for a meal I mostly enjoy it but it’s alright. If I ride down by the river it’s beautiful and I have a great time, except I wish I had someone to do all of that with.

    It’s the moments when you interact with people or animals that make it fun for me. I’m not that sociable so I don’t want to join a club or have a regular meet up. I like to socialise on my own terms. Most of the things I love doing are solitary things like crossword puzzle’s and gardening.

  7. You could take a different walk in the New Forest every day for months and not run out of new places!

    Geocaching, bird spotting, cycling the way round maybe.

    For what it’s worth, have you considered joining a group? I don’t want to pry too much but when you say you’re not likely to have friends, joining a hiking group for example might provide companionship, possibly leading to closer friendships, or just company on some of your walks 🙂

    (do note that with walking groups in particular you’ll find some groups are more ‘young’ and others, e.g. the Ramblers, and bit older – check out photos of any groups you’re interested in!)

  8. You could join a class, I like life drawing, my friends do things like swimming,pole dance,choir.

    If your strapped for cash you could go to the library, I think it’s sometimes nice to go there to read but also be surrounded by other people. It’s also completely fine to go to a cafe by yourself.

  9. Join a gym? You can go on your own, it’s good for your physical health and can improve mental wellbeing.

  10. I love walking in the new forest or along the prom or over the purbecks.

  11. I’m getting a lot of use out of my Odeon Limitless card.

    Friends are overrated beyond a solid few. A big social circle is a lot of upkeep with diminishing returns.

  12. Get yourself to Poole, jump on the Condor to Guernsey and have a few days there. You don’t need to take someone to have a good time. For bonus fun, nip over to Herm on the Trident and grab a pint in the Mermaid. Say hello to Tom for me.

  13. If you can get to Bear Cross on Monday evenings, I can highly recommend an Aikido club with some really sound people.

  14. May I recommend golf?

    It can be done alone but is also a good way to meet people in the clubhouse/on the course. Very therapeutic walking around a golf course alone – even though I’m terrible at it, the fresh air and steps are great. As I’ve got older, it’s harder to keep in touch with people as I have much less free time. I find golf is an ideal way to catch up with people periodically, or if I do happen to have a spare few hours I can just batter out a few holes alone.

    Also a good way to channel your concentration and frustration on something else…

  15. Go to the library see what events they have on. Maybe join a club, you dont have to make friends but knowing their are people expecting you can be a good motivator to keep your self consistently going out

  16. Wear headphones, some music on and have a stroll in the Bournemouth Pier!

  17. I don’t know what’s down South near you, but I’m knocking 40 and for some reason never been lucky enough to find a man so I’ve missed out on all the fun of traveling in your youth. So I’ve just been taking myself off to local cities. I went to Chatsworth house as I had never been before. Museums and the like. Noone really pays any mind.

  18. I live in Bournemouth as well I love going for walks near the beach!!

  19. I love doing things on my own. Try things like the cinema or theatre where you wouldn’t typically be engaged in conversation throughout and you’ll build up your confidence to do more on your own. It’s quite liberating to be able to go and do/enjoy things by yourself without having to rely on others.

  20. There’s something really uplifting about being in the countryside for me. It definitely impacts my mental health. Cycling and trail running are my go-to’s.

  21. You can go to a class, or a club, or a hobby group without the intention of making friends. Its some human contact but no pressure.

    Cinema, gym, museums, art galleries, walks in safe places (don’t go up Ben Nevis on your own for example!), nice markets/shops etc.

  22. As you likely know life’s a bit competitive, the usual advice I get is find something your passionate about which is open to interpretation. Something that you are ready to talk about and defend to be loud about

  23. What modes of transportation do you have accessible? For example, you’re really close to The New Forest but some parts of it you can only get to buy car.

  24. I’ve enjoyed pub on my own before. There’s some self consciousness at first but you can take a book – or if you like football, go when they’re showing it.

  25. Geocaching is fun – it can take you on routes you wouldn’t otherwise knew existed

  26. Start learning about wild edible plants and begin foraging. It’s a super cool hobby and defo something I do alone most of the time (unless I’m running a course)

  27. I live about an hour and a half away from Bournemouth , I took a day off work and went by myself without my gf and took my headphones and hired a bike and cycled round, a surprising amount of friendly people spoke to me, I am 22 and felt strange just going out on my own but it gave me confidence to talk to random people

  28. Fishing. Youve got the sea right there and sea fishing is a great activity to get you out. Learn to tie your own rigs and it gives you something to do between casts. Most people think of fishing as sitting there doing nothing but its easy to fill a lot of that time. Its also a good way to meet people and chat, just tell people youre new to it and ask for advice, or keep yourself to yourself if you prefer.

  29. Bournemouth has a 20s/30s meet up/make friends page on Facebook also been in the echo so probably find it

  30. Visit an art gallery – the Russell-Cotes museum in Bournemouth has a great collection.

  31. I do 99% of activities on my own from going on long countryside walks to going to art galleries, museums, conventions, cinema and theatre. I also go on day’s out and holidays by myself which I’m perfectly fine with.

    I went on holiday to Bournemouth a few years ago and the weather was atrocious but I still managed to see all the things I wanted to do. Got back to the hotel soaked. Never been so happy to have a hot shower and put on my dressing gown.

  32. Buy a camera- nothing special but an old DSLR – can be useful for getting out and certainly helps learning a new skill/ hobby. I moved to London without knowing too many people and bought one to get myself out of my miserable house share more! Local groups exist to meet others too

  33. Walks by the beach, foraging, coastal foraging, biking, hiking, gym.

  34. If you feel you would like to be part of a group Try [meetups.com](https://meetups.com) they have all kinds of groups, some really random ones. Walking is a good way to get out, maybe volunteer dog walking at a shelter or for an older or disabled person, yoga is good or Any excercise class. Good luck and enjoy!

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