I (24F) like this guy and I cant stop thinking about him kissing me. So far we’re just friends but flirt occasionally and I’m hoping he just kisses already.

I know I’m building this up too much in my head, since he hasn’t made a move yet. But if he does try to kiss me, I’m worried it wont go well because i havent kissed anyone in years (i know…). Any tips on what could drive a guy crazy while we kiss? Strategy, looks, hand movements, sitting/standing? Idk I just feel out of practice I guess

  1. kissing doesn’t really “drive me crazy” like idk any “moves” that you can do. Mostly just don’t be gross or make it unpleasant for some reason, otherwise shoul be fine

  2. Tbh… kissing never did anything for me, I just do it for the lady.

    Just… let the guy breath, no need for 15 mins of just macking

  3. Love it if her lips aren’t dry, sometimes less is more when it comes to tongue and running your hands over his back and shoulders is always good. Even if it has been a while, you’ll be fine.

  4. Eventually you could do the rainbow kiss, which is very hot. Or kiss after a fart during a rimjob. Also very hot.

  5. Start gentle and work into it. Avoid the teeth bash. Had that happen to me more than once, and it isn’t really pleasant.

  6. 80/20 rule may come in to play here. If you don’t keep an eye out you may miss it. (If he comes 80% of the way in and stops, he’s waiting for you to close the 20%. Vice versa, if you choose to go 80% and wait to see if he closes the 20% – but then if he doesn’t catch it you’ll feel it.)

    Tongues play together, lips play together, crossover can throw off chemistry. I’ve had girls that have somehow licked my cheeks while our lips were together before – didn’t understand the physics, but not at all sexy either.

    Someone else said it but so true. Keep his and your hands directed to pseudo-neutral areas unless you’re wanting to push things farther. If his hands are starting to wander around erogenous zones so are his intentions. If yours do, he’ll read interest from it whether it was there or not.

    Mostly just try to curb anxiety. Over-thinking it is just gonna stress you out in the moment.

  7. I always love it when women kiss my ears and lightly breath into them. It sounds weird but it works

  8. I think I’ll be in the minority here but I don’t particularly care for the whole tongue in mouth experience as much as I just prefer kissing on the lips. Not long drawn out ones but several smaller ones. And GENTLY biting my bottom lip and kind of rolling it back and forth, very hot to me for some reason.

  9. I know that when I used to make out, those in between moments when your lips separate from each other’s, keep the eye contact, hold it, you’ll swear that you can read your lover’s mind.

  10. Everyone’s answers are so weird. Just pull him a little closer so he knows it’s wanted. That will make his heart explode

  11. Just be confident and relaxed about it. You’re insecurities and pulling back can be interpreted as dissatisfaction.

  12. Just go for it and be into it. Also don’t be scared of making that first move. I can’t speak on behalf of all guys but if a girl comes onto me as opposed to waiting for me to make a move I find that highly attractive.

  13. If you want him to kiss you, get close, look him in the eyes, literally communicate through your gaze you want him to kiss you and wait. Then when he gets the message, start with soft lips. Slow and teasing. Think of it like a dance. He is leading and you are responding. A playful back and forth. Be slightly elusive and let him search for you a little. Pull your body in close to him so your hips touch. If you like what he’s doing, give him a little “mmm” of approval.

  14. Just like with sex: participate, don’t just wait to be “acted upon”. Guys love knowing they’re desired. Everyone loves knowing they’re desirable. I don’t know when this stopped being common sense.

  15. A great kissing tip would be to….just kiss. Don’t be afraid to be the one to initiate a kissing session.

  16. I always tell women this is the stuff us men need to worry about, women can literally stand there and we’d be fine. Trust me, you’ll be fine and don’t take pointers from here, if he likes you it’ll work out great. In his mind though, if he thinks you’re just friends or if you don’t like him, he may not just randomly lunge in and kiss you. Some (most) guys are retarded and in this metoo era don’t want to risk that rejection so you may have to drop some very obvious hints to give him the green light. Or YOU be the one to make the move. Even if it’s light lip on lip a few smacks it’ll be great. Nothing you guys can’t work on if it leads to a relationship and more kissing.

  17. I’m in my 30s. Best kiss I remember in my life I was 15 she was 14. She rolled her tongue and made it dance in my mouth. Bite lips, suck lips, suck on tongue, basically some teeth play involved. Also had my hand down her pants while that was happening. She tasted like vanilla strawberries.

    Worst kiss I had, girl just made the o lips and barely interacted back on my efforts…. basically was just there to recieve it. But she wasn’t that good in bed either.

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