What has an ex gifted/given to you that you still shamefully used today?

  1. Haha my Xbox. My old one broke and he liked me being a gamer so he bought me another for like $70. Will be playing FromSoftware games on it til it dies.

  2. He had a great taste in music. I still listen to a lot of bands/songs he shared with me 10 years later, and I still enjoy it. Perfect gift

  3. the electric guitar he gave me. Well. I actually just gave it to my cousin yesterday.

  4. A coffee table that an ex built for me… now used in my marital home. Look, it’s a good table, it’s solid, it does the job. If I sold it I’d get like $30…

    We did actually buy a replacement, then decided we could use it in a different room. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  5. Shamefully nothing.

    Unshamefully, I have a cow plush my ex-wife gave me that I cuddle whenever I’m sick or just not feeling well. She gave it to me over 25 years ago and insisted I take it when we divorced. Still gives me so much comfort.

  6. For me… eh a Valentines Day heart my first ex girlfriend gave me before we broke up. I don’t have it anymore. That was about 15 years ago. The relationship didn’t last long enough that I got nice gifts.

  7. A sweatshirt. Fuck that dude but he had good taste in a hoodie. Figure I’ve washed it enough times over the years that it is mine now lol

  8. I have two king sized blankets. One was my ex’s he never asked for it back. Once my boyfriend said something about “when we bought that” and I kinda just smile and nodded. Didn’t wanna correct him and be like “ oh no that one is the blanket I slept with with my ex”

  9. A 32in curved gaming monitor. I play sims exclusively these days but it’s a nice monitor so I’m sure as shit not getting rid of it. I threw everything else he gave me away. Even threw out the couch because it reminded me of him.

  10. Shamelessly still have an eccentric jacket my ex gave me. Cut it into a crop and get more compliments since doing so 🙂

  11. I have a ton of stuff from exs that I use but it’s all without shame! Anything I felt uncomfortable keeping, I got rid of, which isn’t a lot

  12. My ex left her pillow at my house…I never got around to giving it back to her and I still sleep on it. But I don’t think of her! It’s genuinely just a really nice pillow, perfect density.

  13. The hoover, it was his originally but I kept it when we broke up as he was moving onto a boat.

    He died last year and the hoover has started cutting out when we use it, it seems to do it a lot more when my boyfriend is hoovering and in my more fanciful moments I wonder if the ex is haunting it.

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