There’s this girl I like that I finally had a good chance to interact with one on one…I’ll be honest, I probably came off as a bit nervous and a little self conscious (believe me I didn’t want to-what can I say-I’m human)…

I will have another chance to interact with her in two weeks and then another two weeks after that, one on one (working on a community project)…

Is that one episode too much to come back from? Has she labeled me as lacking confidence and I’m done for? Do girls write guys off that quickly?

Or can a better showing next time put me back into having a chance?


  1. She probably hasn’t wrote you off tbh and if she has then she’s probably shallow and deffo not for you. What’s her personality like? Maybe try find things in common, ask her about music she likes and hobbies and stuff. Girls are more likely to go out w boys if they feel a connection. Good luck :))

  2. Lol it depends on so many things and each girl and if she’s attracted to you or not. She could find it endearing or not. You are over thinking this. Just be yourself and relax…

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