How many people would you say you have fallen in love with in your life so far?

  1. 3. Once when I was in 6th grade, once in high school, and with my current long term boyfriend. 6th grade sounds young but even a decade later I can say for certain what I felt was real. Also, I wasn’t with any of the other people, they were just close friends. The love I’ve experienced with my boyfriend right now and being loved back is so different and incredible. I want this love to last forever and will do everything I can to make it so

  2. As in love love? I’d say only two. I’ve had crushes or people I genuinely liked but I wouldn’t call that love

  3. Technically 2. But truly, only 1. Even though we are not together, he forever holds my heart. Even if he doesn’t want it anymore. I can’t unlove him. It’s painful but also magical and I’m grateful to have had experiences it with him. That love is something I wouldn’t change and can never be duplicated. .

  4. I’ve been in love with 1.
    I’m 33 and I’ve only been in love once when I was 20. Still looking for the next one 🙂 apparently for me it happens very rarely..

  5. I have been infatuated with someone before I can’t say that I’d ever fallen in love with anyone

  6. 2 for sure. Once when I was 15 and the other rn. My current boyfriend makes me feel the same way my now married ex did… it’s nice

  7. Two. I’m almost 38 years old, never been in a serious long term relationship because at 19 I fell in love with an emotionally damaged person who strung me along for around 6 years. Took me moving literally to the opposite side of the planet to start to heal. Wasn’t ready to open up for a long time, maybe another 6 or 7 years. Then I found myself in my early thirties in a country where people tend to marry quite young and there weren’t many available potential partners.

    Finally just over a year ago, after getting back into dating a bit more and hitting the age where there were more options (divorce creates a lot of late 30s early 40s singles in New Zealand) I met someone special and fell in love again. I didn’t even really believe it was possible to have that kind of thing happen as a grown person. I guess i sort of thought that love was more of a teenage thing and that once you were an adult you just settled for common interests and life goals and friendship. But here was all that plus the butterflies in my stomach, the giddy knees, the feeling like there’s no such thing as close enough, the wanting to know every little thing about someone! It was quite a ride! But sadly he wasn’t actually healed enough from his divorce and when things started getting serious he gracefully bowed out.

    Now I’m really worried it won’t happen again. I don’t actually have time for a relationship right now, so it’s a hypothetical fear, but when I finally finish this master’s degree and have time to look for a partner again I’m scared I will never be satisfied because now that I know it’s possible, I don’t know if I can settle for shared interests, goals, and friendship anymore.

  8. I thought I loved the father of my son, until I met my current partner of 9 years, who is incomparable and far more amazing than I ever expected. If we were to break up, I don’t think I could be with another.

  9. 2-3, also I look for reasons to love people until I no longer do, so it is currently 1…a rather flimsy 1. Let’s see how it goes.

  10. I think it’s different levels of love. There are some people that enter your life that are just special no matter what.

    I always feel it grows stronger the longer you are with them. The greatest love is always the ones i was with the longest.

  11. 3 and people tell me I should write a book about them 😊

    First “love” was more like 2 teenagers rebelling together, we realized that we were better friends and as we grew we learned to embrace our story as “lovers who were never meant to be”

    Next was my highschool sweetheart. The first person I can say I truly loved. We had such an amazing bond, but she knew I was hiding something from her. She was very patient at first, she thought I must have been raped as a child but as more time went on without getting any clear answer she concluded I was cheating on her. So she cheated on me, and then broke up with me. And I don’t blame her, that was 12 years ago now.

    And finally was my best friend from highschool. Her and I were inseparable and anyone with working vision would thought we were dating, but I never could, not after breaking my ex’s heart… I promised I would never put a woman through that pain ever again. She moved on from me and moved to America where she made a beautiful little family.

    First “love” became an anti-vaxxer and hated me after I came out as trans.

    My ex, she apologized for cheating on me last year after not speaking to each other for 11 years. She said “when you came out as Summer, everything made sense” and asked me to forgive her. She would have never cheated on me if she knew I was hiding in the closet since I was 7 years old and wished she could have protected me instead. There was nothing to forgive. I was too much of a coward to tell her the truth about why I seemed “not attracted to her” but she was and still is my one true love, I never touched another woman other than her in my entire life. What broke my heart the most was hearing her say “the hardest part was losing my best friend” and now we are close and have girls night together occasionally!

    The last woman moved back to Canada, and the day before I came out publicly on Facebook I decided to go out presenting fully femme and tan into her at my local weed shop! She was so supportive and excited to see me, and it turns out she lives just down the road! Since then she has given me tons of clothes and makeup and cute lingerie and is just the best genie of a friend a trans girl can ask for!

  12. Am I weird if I’m soon-to-be 29 and never fell in love ? .-.

    Never been in a relationship either.. I feel so “late” in life compared to my peers

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