Hi all! My husband and I have a date day each month and we take turns hosting. We’ve been diligent about this for years and try to do something new each time. I wanted to crowdsource some ideas and get a male perspective. Whether you came up with the date idea or it was your date’s idea, what are some of the most memorable (in a good way) dates that you’ve been on? Thanks!

  1. I took a date out to dinner on a night that I knew was going to be windy. Before the dinner I went and bought two cheap kites for us to fly after we ate. We spent a few hours after the date flying kites while walking around the lakefront.

  2. My favorite date was definitely to an oddities store where we bought each other something weird. I still have the mortuary tools she got me.

  3. Tent camping for an overnight concert.

    Taking a ferry to a quiet island and staying in a log resort on a lake.

    Picnic on a mountaintop, back down for a glass of wine by a resort firepit.

    Wine tasting followed by fondue with a remote controlled toy followed by some very seductive lingerie while playing strip card games (speed and golf).

    Putt Putt golf on a warm night, dinner at a nice but casual restaurant, walk to dessert somewhere else.

    Picnic on a beach, bring something to play catch, speaker for music.

    Cooking class.

  4. I cooked us a big meal, got a collection of her favorite movies to binge watch, and, while she was watching them, I hid little pokemon plushies all throughout her place so she could catch em all lol.

  5. Not really creative and things didn’t work out with this person. But we got dinner and we went for a walk at a popular/tourist park later that night. It was so fun seeing the buildings late at night and it felt peaceful in a way.

    It was also the last date I’ve been on currently so I miss the feeling of that night in a way.

  6. Christmas shopping in Beijing, spent the whole day buying ridiculous stuff for super cheap and then asked her to marry me in front of a giant Santa display. 14 years and 2 kids later we couldn’t be happier.

  7. Went to a park and had a picnic watching Jurassic park on a laptop. Gonna do again but this time it will be a switch and Mario kart because shit is competitive now lol

  8. Sauna dates are common, here in Finland. Which is a fun way of avoiding any worry about what to wear.

    But I’ve had a few random dares which involved walking through high-end department stores and making lists of furniture, kitchen tools, and other things we both liked.

    Then again throwing axes (at targets) was also pretty memorable, and a lot more physical than going bowling.

  9. Current girlfriend lives accross the world and when she is here she sometimes really misses her cats. I took her to a kitty cafe with lots of cats and fed her cake. It was really wholesome to see her so happy

  10. There was a horse retirement farm not too far away. We each had a 5 lb bag of carrots, and walked the pens on a cool sunny day and shared some love with some appreciative equines

  11. Had a date in Ikea once and it was super fun! We walked around discussing what we liked and what we would have in our homes then had meatballs for lunch and I even bought her a teddybear 🙂

  12. I have an idea. But it only works if you and your SO are gun people or are open to guns. If you SO has never shot a gun, take them to a gun range. Best experience i’ve ever had.
    Again, it only works if you gun people or open to guns. Lol

  13. On a trip to Southern California my aunt agreed to watch the little ones while I took my wife out a couple of times. They had these gondola rides you can take nearby. Really unique date.

  14. A sea kayaking date, it was awesome. We stopped at a small island and had lunch there.

  15. I’m not sure if it was a date but the first time I hanged out with this new person just the 2 of us, outside of a bar, I went to their place and we made some amanita muscaria tea, drank it and had a blast. Rather unconventional way to spend time with a new person – we’re both autistic, maybe that explains it.

  16. Tattoo night! My wife and I were each itching for new ink, so we booked a side-by-side appointment, then got drinks after.

  17. I had a first Date at the Renaissance Faire. Turns out it’s a great place for that. You can walk and talk, if there is a lull in the conversation, there are a myriad of things to look at, shows to watch. So much food. And if the date isn’t going well, you can find a reason to leave. (Mine went very well.)

  18. Cuisine Hunt – each of you come up with a couple of cuisines you want to try/like.
    One of you picks any street in the city, the other person chooses the direction.

    And you start walking. Anytime you see a place that matches the cuisine, you go in, get a bite sized thing and move to the next place.

    Walking, eating, chatting and fun!!!

  19. It’s definitely a picnic/stargazing date. We packed some bread and peanut butter, and took his car to a rural area. We ate in the car and sat on the trunk cover to watch the night sky

    He has an awesome telescope and we’d always try to find the Southern cross first, lol

  20. Most creative? When the day came when we finally got to see eachother she said “i’m not sure, i need to go to a pet store to get fish” so i randomly said “And why can’t i go with you?” and she exclaimed “Oh fuck it, just come over and see how the day goes” and we dated for a month after that. Buying fish was a fun experience.

  21. Arcade date, comedy club show, and bowling have been my most successful dates

  22. Set up the table in front of the living room TV and went to town with tutorials from Bob Ross and some paint. It was pretty fun, still have the painting. Looks like absolute shit, was tons of fun tho 🙂 She also brought me along with her parents for ice skating once.

    Another one was a first meeting with a Tinder date, we went to some art store. We sat down in a park and painted on some canvas while drinking beers while getting to know each other. It may seem like I’m artistic but I’m seriously dogshit at painting. I suck at actually being good with it but I really enjoy the process of creating something, and I’ve been lucky to find creative people that also comes up with fun date ideas.

    There’s a lot of places to hike where I live. Bonfire and eating dinner (baked potatoes etc.) outside in nature is great, she brought some stuff and so did I. Good laidback fun

  23. This was more of a valentines thing I did, but I sent her on a goose chase around the city to various establishments relevant to our relationship. I spoke to all the workers at these places beforehand, showed them her photo, and gave them a note/poem/riddle to get her to the next place, also leaving treats (flowers, candy) and finally met up with her at a sushi joint where we had our first date.
    She is usually an impatient person but thoroughly enjoyed the effort I put in.

  24. My wife and I went on coin-toss dates. We’d go on a drive and flip a coin anytime we had to stop. Based on the coin toss, we’d drive in a random direction. Sometimes it led us to a dead end, but sometimes we discovered a path to an adventure!

    We discovered the [Cape Canaveral Lock](https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x88e0a89b4c276d6b%3A0xe71a900b37279655!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2Fcape%2Bcanaveral%2Block%2F%4028.4079995%2C-80.6379949%2C3a%2C75y%2C4.37h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211sJj1dMW0WnEw0AwgWJi4l-w*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x88e0a89b4c276d6b%3A0xe71a900b37279655%3Fsa%3DX!5scape%20canaveral%20lock%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2sJj1dMW0WnEw0AwgWJi4l-w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhssnp2u_-AhXDQzABHUQ6B6kQpx96BAh_EA0) that led to seeing dolphins and manatees and boats entering the intercoastal waterway.

    We found a bunch of hidden gem restaurants and bars in parts of town we wouldn’t have ventured into otherwise.

    It was a good, cheap date when gas prices weren’t crippling.

  25. Several, we’ve gone fishing, hiking, and more pedestrian things like art museums

  26. You probably won’t be able to do this, but you might be able to take inspiration from it. She worked for a climbing gym, so we had dinner and then went to the gym after it closed to have a private climbing session.

  27. When I was dating my now wife I told her we needed to take a mini vacation and we both took 10 days leave from work. I had talked up driving to a nearby park and maybe going camping until the first day of our leave when I sprung plane tickets on her showing we left that night for Puerto Vallarta.

    We had a fantastic time and the look on my beautiful (now) wife’s face will always stay with me.

  28. An ex told me to have a couple folding chairs ready. She picked me up and took me to the drive in movie where we saw a double feature and ate and drank. Great time

  29. My wife and I have dates that consist of picking a new area in our State to visit and have a picnic in or around it.

    We’ve been doing it for years. Yeah its nothing crazy, but there’s something peaceful about a nice picnic no matter where we have it.

  30. So this is a basic date but I made it interesting by making a game called “she/he’s a 10 but…”

    So basically you get 3 increasingly terrible shots. The goal is to find a dealbreaker for the person.

    So for example: I’d say he’s a 10 but he is happy with a minimum wage job. If it’s not a dealbreaker they have to explain why. If it is a dealbreaker they take a shot and will usually explain why.

    We played for like 4-5 hours because most of the time, each one started a new conversation topic.

    since you’re married you’ll have to adjust it

  31. Adventure flights out of the smaller airports. Date got to fly a Cessna aircraft around the city/lake before doing almost all the work of landing as well. Totally cool. It’s like $100 or so which is totally within reach for a date activities budget.

  32. While in a long distance relationship (different land-masses and about a 6 hour difference, so it was pretty tough) we would play an MMO called Guild Wars 2 together. One day we climbed up to the highest point of one of the major hub cities, had a picnic, lit off fireworks, and messed around with music kits (they replace your buttons used for attacking with a scale of notes and an ability to change octaves up and down). It was very cute.

    By some miracle, we managed to get together in one place long enough to be married, and now whenever I feel like it I can reach over and give her a smooch. Still, I remember fondly the ways we used to keep in touch.

  33. One of the most fun dates I went to an antique store. She bought me a WW1 gas mask. I still put it on occasionally. 😃

  34. Dining in the dark. Literal dark. Pitch black. Servers had night vision goggles, and you had to feel your way around the table for the food and drink as they served it to you

  35. We went to a thrift store and spent $20 each on an outfit the other had to wear to dinner. Very fun.

  36. I’ve honestly never had a woman take me out on the date. I’ve all but once held the responsibility to plan dates (even at that, we’d been dating for several months and she just suggested a restaurant I like and then asked what I wanted to do after).

    THAT SAID I’ve always enjoyed escape rooms and axe throwing. One of the most creative ideas I’ve come up with was filling up small balloons with paint and air, and doing the dart balloon art.

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