What is the most selfless thing you have done?

  1. i donated $500 to a woman whose husband died and left her with 4 children under the age of 5. i don’t have $500 to spare but i did it without even thinking. i needed to do it. i know it’s not a lot, but i am in school full time so it was as much as i could possibly do.

    i haven’t told anyone that before.

  2. This is a loooong story but I’ll keep it short

    Had a friend I knew for over 10 years ask me to help her move into her new place

    I borrowed my brother’s car and drove back and forth from 9 AM to 10 PM at night moving stuff, paid for all the gas, for lunch, everything, once she was settled in to her new place she ghosted me

    She ignored my texts, calls, Facebook DMs, then one day on Facebook I saw she threw a huuuge housewarming party for herself and invited everyone….but me

    When I FINALLY got a hold of her and asked why the fuck she didn’t invite me she said “Oops! I forgot hehe”

    She forgot to invite the ONLY person who helped her move…who drove her back and forth all fucking day….

    Now whenever she reaches out to me I just ghost her.

    I say this is the most selfless thing I’ve done because the distance from here old house to her new house was nearly 3 hours each way, the amount of money I spent on gas was fucking insane.

  3. I sent off 1000 usd to a family I met on fb for Christmas. They were grateful and they showed me what they used it for. They asked me *directly* for more the next Christmas and I told them I couldn’t afford it and wouldn’t send them anything. They made an fb post about me and called me out *by name*. I got harassed for this. It makes me understand why some people think charity is BS.

  4. My dad passed away last year and left me both of his vehicles. When I found out the neighbor kid was doing moving on the weekends for extra money, I gave him my dads pick up truck. It was a 1999 and small but well taken care of.

  5. Honestly, I wouldn’t describe any action I’ve had as selfless. I like to think I do a lot of good and help others – but I get such genuine joy from doing so, that it’s not actually selfless.

  6. Donated blood to strangers (several times) , helped old lady cross road, helped visually impaired get a cab, feed and provided first aid to stray animals. my family distribute food to people occasionally and I helped in it. These are top of my mind.. In a nutshell, I get blessed by people a lot.
    PS: my family have this opinion that i am very practical and cold hearted person. I do not get emotionally blackmailed, I read people like book and act accordingly , some people genuinely need help.. And some are there to scam helping people.

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