what was the last time u had an amicable break up or heard of someone who did?

  1. My divorceā€¦ he picked me up from work and we drove to court together for the hearing.

  2. My divorce 2 years ago. We still talk frequently, she actually exchanges pet pics with my current partner lol.

  3. Me with my ex last week of March this year.
    He went to another country for a great job opportunity and we talked about it. He asked if I wanted to do LDR and we both agreed it’s probably not the best idea since we’re both career oriented. Best decision though because I received shitton of commissions and orders so I really didn’t have the time. Had full closure and we still chat on some weekends. And he still checks my stories on IG šŸ¤£

  4. My first husband and I had a very amicable divorce. 13 years later we’re both re-married to other people and keep in touch regularly.

  5. My divorce was nice. He came over for dinner tonight and we are still good friends.

  6. My last relationship ended amicably. My ex boyfriend had a stroke in 2020. We tried to make it work for a year after that. One day in June/July 2021 he tells me that he thinks he wants to go stay with his mother in Nebraska. I told him that I loved him and I want him to be happy. If he thinks he will be happy in Nebraska then he should go but I couldnā€™t go with him. He still texts me on rare occasion. I saw him in March after his father passed and he came to Texas for the funeral.

  7. I dated my best friend for a couple of months before realizing we were meant to be just friends. We ended it on good terms and we are still bffs!

  8. My last boyfriend before my current marriage. I had different ideas about what I wanted in life, so I broke up with him. He met a woman who is perfect for him. 22 years later, we are both still with our respective partners and friends on social media. I’ve seen him many times of the years. We always just hug and wish each other the best.

  9. I ended my relationship in January this year and I would say it’s been amicable. There are a lot of complex feelings and processes going on but we respect each other and there was never a big blow up etc. Also we are in touch every second week because we share a dog now…

  10. My relationship that ended 2 weeks ago – we just drive apart and we are still sending each other memes and photos of funny stuff and inside jokes because we still have so much in common. I donā€™t know if it will work long term but for sure that is my best breakup ever. So peaceful

  11. a few days ago. i wanted to do it for so long and so did she so i ended up doing it

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