I don’t know nothing about her except we’re the same age(17), going to the same school but different profile(class) and where she lives. I saw her on the bus and in school but I no longer use public transport.

1 comment
  1. Have your intentions clear. What do you want?

    See if she’s interested in spending some time? See if she’s open for some casual fun?

    If you know what you want first then this takes the difficulty out of it.

    If you want to know if she’s interested in getting to know each Other for example: ask. If she sais no- she isn’t interested.

    If you want to know if she’s open for some casual fun, ask that instead (or hint at it) and if she sais no – she isn’t interested.

    The problem with that is either
    1) fear of being rejected
    2) not doing the 3 second rule
    3) not having your intentions straight
    4) being inexperienced
    5) oneitis- meaning she is the only woman there is for you

    4) is basically all others above

    1) and 5) are basically 3): you allow for failure if she is not interested in you, because you set your goals to high. In that case usually the goal is being with her or something similar. However you don’t even know the person or know if they are interested. Why would you want someone you don’t even know? So adjust that attitude

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