What character trait or lifestyle preference is incorrectly identified as not manly?

  1. hanging out with women, a lot of people assume i’m gay/not manly when they meet me partially because i enjoy girl talk and have platonic female friends

    on that note, being gay would also fit here

  2. Surprisingly excellent grooming habits; considered fem; I don’t understand that. Good grooming is a good trait.

  3. I’ve heard people in the past comment that a dad that only has daughters is considered less manly than a dad with at least 1 son

  4. Washing ya asshole a lot considered gay because of the spreading of the cheeks. But I say I clean ass is a clean ass get in there

  5. Being able to sew on a button or sew up a seam.

    I went on a 2 month trip to India with 8 other guys and took one of those small emergency sewing kits just in case. I was roundly mocked. By the end of the trip I had repaired something for every single bloke, and not one of them was mocking me any more. It’s just a basic skill everyone should have, just as manly as being able to change a washer or replace a spark plug.

    Apparently male navy recruits are often shocked that one of the first pieces of equipment they’re given is a sewing kit, called a “housewife.”

  6. Gardening and having a cat rather than a dog. Gardening is like being a farmer in my free time. How is that not manly? I have a cat because I can go on weekend trips and don’t need to board her. Having a cat is like being with a woman. It does what it wants. She wants affection sometimes and not others, and you learn to get that.

    That said, I can understand why single women like to have dogs and I have no problem with that.

  7. Being gay or Bisexual.

    The media paints gay and bisexual men as these fruity little fairies who can’t throw a punch or a football and wouldn’t know the first thing about power tools or grilling.

    And while it may be true for the exaggerated caricatures who play it up on social media for likes, every bisexual dude I’ve met personally (which is a very small number) is essentially Ron Swanson and 2/3 of the gay men I hang with regularly are both “Yass Queen” gays and former body builders who also have competitive fight records in at least 1 sport.

  8. Opposite of the question, but the manliest thing you can do is whatever makes you comfortable and saying fuck the haters. Giving a shit that someone thinks your lifestyle is somehow unmasculine is about the least manly thing a person could do.

  9. Preferring more populated areas over rural ones. You can be manly or unmanly in either environment. One thing’s for sure: light beer chugging, mud driving, farm country boys are not the epitome of masculinity as they are often presented.

  10. Being able to do chores (aka taking care of yourself)

    Cooking and cleaning are basic life skills. Im not saying Im great at either of those things, but to demand someone else takes care of you is some grown ass child shit. The fact that so many people claim to be “alphas” or “lone wolves” but can’t even bake chicken is as laughable as it is pathetic.

  11. Being a feminist drag queen fuck boi biotch!!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️👨‍❤️‍👨🤡

  12. Honestly, the whole concept of what is manly or not is such troglodyte nonsense. Do what makes you happy. If that upsets some hater, then that is their problem, not yours. You only have one life, not counting the possibility of reincarnation. Enjoy yourself, and don’t worry about gender expectations. They are designed to keep you unhappy.

  13. Everything that is identified as “not manly” is incorrect. It is what you as a man make of it. go wear a fucking tiara if you like, i wouldn’t call wearing a cowboyhat any manlier

  14. For me being frugal.

    I don’t mean being a complete cheapass but living well within your means and being financially responsible seems to be something none of my mates do.

  15. Flossing your teeth.

    “Floss? Am I a girl or what??”

    If you’re scared of good hygiene because you think you will seem less manly, then boi you gotta get to work.

  16. Cooking. I am a great cook and everyone is surprised that I, the man, cooks most of the meals. To me, if you cannot make a meal for yourself, provide a basic nutritious meal, that is very not manly imo. My dad used to barely be able to make box mac n cheese. I didnt want to starve if my wife isn’t around.

  17. Taking care of your health.

    If you have something weird, a strong fever, unexpected dizziness or whatever, get a health check up. Also at some point think about getting colonoscopies.

  18. Carrying an umbrella.

    Ok have fun getting wet / walking in hot sun / waiting for rain /sun to stop while I go back home after work

  19. Using a bidet.

    Ain’t nothing quite as manly as using a “pressure washer”…….on your bootyhole

  20. Nurturing

    A grown adult man can be tremendously nurturing, and can make a powerful difference in the growth of children and young adults.

  21. Working in IT. Considered nerdy but not manly for some reason. And every time I look around, there’s a lotta dudes in here lol

  22. Clothes shopping. If a guy says he likes going clothes shopping people call him gay, yet a well dressed guy turns heads and gets complimented by both genders. And increases his chance of getting hit on lol.

  23. Riding a bike (it’s seems that every film depiction of a guy who rides a bike is meant to emasculate him)

  24. Walking away from something. The manliest thing you can do is walk away from something that doesn’t want you too.

    Calling a bunch, trying too hard, chasing is not manly. It’s pathetic. Yet a lot of women think this is what guys are supposed to do. It doesn’t work in the sales world, and it doesn’t work in dating either.

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