What made you stop acting like a kid and start acting like an adult? What made you start cleaning up after yourself, taking responsibility for your health, getting up when the alarm goes off instead of pressing snooze, and generally being more disciplined and self-controlled?

  1. Well if I don’t there will be bad consequences. Also I want to live my life the best i possibly can.

  2. >What made you grow up

    I grew up.

    >and take responsibility for yourself/your life?

    I’m not crazy. I knew I cannot be depedent on my parents forever and even if I did, not feeling indepedent sucked. I did it because it feels much better to be control of your own life.

  3. I’ve always been pretty clean overall. I have like a cycle of Super Clean then Mediumly Clean then Kinda Cluttered then DEEP CLEAN FURRY.

    I don’t really feel that “adult” but I am pretty responsible overall. Going to therapy has helped me with insecurities. I just have two alarms that go off 30 minutes from eachother, so like a Big Snooze. I’ve never felt that I’m out of control

  4. My girlfriend of 6 years left me, found out the comfort from other women didn’t make me happy.

    I sat alone in silence for a whole week and a half, forgave my ex as I can’t blame her for leaving. Moved away and went to school with my dog and learned to live on my own. Struggled and appreciated everything at a whole other level. I knew I was blessed and spoiled but actually feeling broke and like I need to budget was just different.

    Got a budget car, got a full chest and arm tattoo, got a gun and practiced at the range, etc.. I started living with the purpose of taking care of my dog and myself, and I’m happier for it.

  5. Ain’t gonna lie: it was mostly the influence of women in my life. Anything I learned about being a mature man was mostly about being the kind of man who marries well and stays married.

  6. > What made you grow up

    When my mom died.

    > and take responsibility for yourself/your life?

    When I got the guardianship paperwork for my sister. Even if she was almost an adult I knew basically any fuck ups on my part would mean she might have to go live with our sperm donor.

  7. Poverty. A childhood filled with hunger. Used clothes from Goodwill. And a life at school with constant feelings of embarrassment.

  8. Realizing at 28 how dysfunctional my family is and how short everyone’s lifespan was because of the dysfunction.

    My grandmother, mother, brother and uncle are all alcoholics and are some of the worst people on planet earth.

    I started seeing a therapist after this realization, partially stopped drinking (90% sober), worrying about my hygiene, etc. I’m better off without my family and their negativity/dysfunction.

  9. When I saw my first electric bill living in my first apt, I suddenly hear my dad voice say “TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!” and “Think about what you want to eat before opening the refrigerator, don’t open the refrigerator and think about what you want to eat!”

  10. My father passed away when I was 10, it’s crazy how you can remember the smallest details during traumatic events, even at a young age. My mother fell into depression and i didnt like seeing it and so from there i felt like i had to step up as i was the eldest of 3 siblings also.

    35 now and still going strong

  11. Several people telling me to quit whining and complaining and to grow up and stop being annoying.

  12. Childhood trauma haha.

    Got a job and moved out of my parents house in junior high.
    It was a do or die sort of situation.

  13. Toxic family life, leading to being kicked out for no real reason, and the residual homelessness

  14. When i realized that no one is coming to save me. Its all on me on what direction I want my life to go, so I choose the upwards direction. With that comes accepting what it takes to choose success…you by default have to grow up a bit (though i still retain my childlike nature) I know that discipline is key.

    Its a sobering but liberating reason to get your crap together…and every day reminds me that the reason I am where I am in life is 100% my fault and no one elses. So if I fail its either because I gave up or didn’t try hard enough.

  15. My girlfriend, now wife. She made me into the man I am, no idea why she stuck by me but here we are! We have a 2 year old and I barely recognize the guy I was before.

  16. Three stages. After military service, which made me reach level one of growing up. Clean, take responsibility of day to day life. Then having two kids and being single. That made me reevaluate life and choices. Went to school again, took responsibility of my situation. Having three more kids with my new wife. Made me more humble, started living for my family almost completely. If they are happy then I am happy. I learned how to enjoy daily life and be happy. That was Level three which meant that I took responsibility for my family’s happiness and wellbeing in a way that I previously couldn’t because my ego was in the way.

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