Bearing in mind that mass shootings have become more frequent, how safe do you feel in your state/city? I guess it also depends on neighborhood and other factors, but what is your general opinion about this issue?

  1. Mass shootings are statistically rarer than getting struck by lightning. As long as you are not involved in a gang, or selling drugs, you are not going to get shot.

  2. In my day to day life I feel safe. Last weekend was our town wide garage sale. My husband and I went and we had to turn around in a few different driveways throughout the day. Because of the recent string of shootings over nothing (knocking on wrong door, pulling in wrong driveway, getting in wrong car, etc) I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about doing so. There were some houses that looked a bit sketchier and we definitely didn’t use their driveway to turn around. At one point we got lost on a dead end road on the outskirts of town. I was super nervous because there was a man outside. He waved at me and then I felt silly for being nervous. I don’t think most people want to cause me harm so generally I do feel safe, but the moments of on edge or nervousness are definitely there at times or in certain situations.

    I will say that I’m always aware of emergency exit locations in buildings, movie theaters, hospitals, etc. in case something were to happen. That isn’t something I ever really paid attention to 10 years ago.

  3. I live in Baltimore, one of the most unsafe cities in America, and I do not worry about my personal safety at all. Frankly the most dangerous part of my life is going to work and sharing the road with Maryland drivers lol

  4. I feel 100% safe. It’s the people who arm themselves for their errands or have an arsenal in their home that are living in constant fear.

  5. There are German states and Canadian provinces that’ve had mass shootings more recently than my state, so yeah, pretty safe.

  6. I’m not trying to buy a g pack and I’m in a health long term relationship. Drug trade and domestic situations are a good chunk of the violent crime.

    So yeah, normally pretty safe.

  7. Most of the US is very safe, much safer than many other parts of the Americas

    Despite the gun crime statistics, it is mostly gang violence and not directed towards random people. Mass shootings, despite their increase, are still very very rare, thankfully.

    I do, however, think we need a major mental health and gun reform.

  8. Indiscriminate murder is rare and headline-inducing; if you don’t know an erratic family member and you’re not involved with the drug smuggling world, your odds are pretty slim. Keep an eye on who you keep in close proximity…I know I do, I can name family members whose drug problems are bad enough that they let sketchy people into their homes who have been violent, so I’m always careful as to who I’m staying with when I visit family

  9. Very safe. I’ve don’t worry I might be in a mass shooting, I don’t worry I might be struck by lightning. I’ve got concerns over being hit by a car while I’m out walking and crossing streets, but that’s why I stop and look both ways first. That’s the biggest danger in my life by far.

    The mass shootings are a major societal issue. They shouldn’t be happening and the reasons they do are not simple or easily fixed. People don’t even agree on the what causes are. But very few individuals are ever directly affected, so while it’s a serious problem, it’s not one that I change my life for.

  10. I feel incredibly safe. Media and social media are a poor source of information on this.

  11. I feel a little more wary than I did before, in the same sense that if you double a small number, you still end up with a small number. But I don’t actively fear for my safety.

    I can’t remember any public spree shootings happening nearby me. I guess given enough time one inevitably would but it’s not something I ever think about.

  12. I feel perfectly safe.

    Let’s look at some numbers. The US has 330,000,000 people. According to the Bing AI chatbot so far this year 276 people have been killed and 792 people have been wounded in mass shootings.

    In comparison, 42,915 people died in traffic accidents last year.

    Given that I live near Boston (notorious for bad drivers) I’m more worried about dying in a traffic accident.

  13. My personal concerns over safety WRT mass shootings has always been low and hasn’t changed recently.

  14. I live outside of Detroit. I feel pretty safe from crime.

    The biggest crime here (according to me) is “people” driving past with their terrible music playing. I don’t know why they feel the need to advertise that their taste in music sucks.

  15. I live in Maine and work on a tugboat in NY Harbor. I feel a little more unsafe when driving into work every month but I’m not actively worried. When I’m home from work I don’t worry about it at all.

  16. Completely safe.

    213 people have died in mass shootings this year. There are 330,000,000 of us. It’s more dangerous for me to drive to the store and I’m not scared to go to Target.

    I spend about half my time in the suburbs of Detroit, a city with a long and notorious reputation for violence. But, most of the violence there is isolated to gang activity and illicit drug activity. So the trick is to not be involved in those 2 things and your odds of being a victim of crime sink like a stone, your biggest risk is your car being broken into.

    We spend time in the city itself nearly every week and I have since the 80s, I’ve never felt unsafe in Detroit, ever.

    The US is incredibly safe for most of us most of the time. Gun violence is most often perpetrated by a significant other or is a suicide. The actual risk most of us are under is incredibly small. Having a general awareness and street smarts is good, but living in fear of violence is absurd to me. There are lots of daily activities we participate in that don’t scare us. Climbing a ladder, using power tools, going swimming…all risky behaviors.

  17. I feel very safe. Mass shootings get lots of media attention but they’re still very rare.

  18. I feel most unsafe when I drive, because I’m a shit driver and a lot of Germans are too.

  19. A lot safer than the news would have you believe. I’m not involved in street crime and I don’t personally know someone that’s unhinged, so I don’t really have much to worry about. Just use common sense.

  20. I face more danger from local wildlife than I do anything else. Hitting a deer at 70mph will absolutely ruin your day and could put you in the hospital. Ticks will fuck you up for life as well. Plus, rabies.

    The most danger I feel with people is their inability to drive and the fact they drive drunk or high.

  21. I happen to live in one of the five states that has never had a mass shooting and has one of the lowest levels of violent crime in the US- so I feel pretty safe.

  22. I’m a woman who has spent my entire life in cities with high gun violence: Rochester, NY; Wilmington, DE; and Philadelphia. I have never experienced violence of any kind and have never feared for my life. The vast majority of violent crime is targeted – it occurs between criminals who have beef with each other and people in abusive relationships. It is very rare for someone to deliberately shoot or attack a complete stranger.

    Pro-tip: If you have questions about safety in a particular city, ask people who actually live IN that city, NOT in the surrounding suburbs. Suburbanites in my experience are ridiculously fearful when it comes to urban crime. I personally know of one woman who was too afraid to leave her car when she visited a brewery in one of Rochester’s nicest, trendiest neighborhoods.

  23. Worried more about the cops killing me than worried about a mass shooter.

  24. I don’t actively, or passively worry about mass shooting at all. Statistically, it doesn’t happen all that often. Crime in the United States is not evenly distributed across the entire country, and I some places you can hardly even see graffiti. The United States is also a huge country with 330 million people, so mass shooting and general crime happening every now and then isn’t something that is outside of the realm of possibility. In general, the United States is still considered to be safe country, and it’s overall crime rate is lower than all countries of Latin America; with itself as a reference, the country has seen an general trend of decrease in crime rate in the past few decades.

  25. About as safe as ever, which is quite safe. I have several fairly dangerous hobbies such as downhill skiing, backpacking and long road trips which are far more likely to get me killed than crime will.

  26. Feel as safe now as I ever have. I think if you feel more unsafe now than before, you’re watching too much news. Or you’re too young to remember the 80’s, or even the 90’s.

  27. My city is apparently the worst in the US for property crime and one of the top 10 worst for violent crime. I do worry about my car getting broken into or stolen, but I almost never have had to worry for my personal safety.

  28. I just got some new protection crystals, so as long as I charge them every full moon, then I should be fine.

  29. About the same as I have since moving to the suburbs from the a more rural area. Head needs to be more on a swivel in the suburbs. I don’t worry about mass shootings. The odds are just too great of it happening to me too fret about it. Red light runners are more of a threat. Crazy homeless people are more of a threat.

  30. Mass shootings are rare events, the only reason the media is covering them is ratings and to push the Democrat agenda that says that no individual should own a gun (don’t lie and say they just want “restrictions”, as soon as they get the chance they will ban guns just like how Republicans banned abortion when they got the chance)

  31. Yeah i dont worry about being gunned down. I refuse to live in fear. But my cousin who is about 11 said something interesting to me one day. He said love to be able to get a job when im old enough if im still alive. I thought to myself what a thing to say as an 11 year old. I dont know if thats a reflection of many kids in his generation. But when i was 11 i just assumed id grow up like anyone else

  32. I don’t know anyone who’s ever been shot aside from veterans who were shot in a war and one idiot who shot himself in the foot on accident once.

  33. “MaSs ShOoTiNgS HaVe BeCoMe MoRe FrEqUeNt”

    No shit bud, give pepole actual acess to better mental health resources instead of punishing every law abiding gun owner in the country.

    How safe do I feel – not safe at all, they are trying to pass things that would restrict my access to my second amendment right and the dude doing it is going senile – i’m not even a republican or democrat but it doesn’t take a big brain to see shits fucked up .

    Sorry for the wording and rant, I’m not trying to insult anyone but like, there’s no scenario in which this ends good for either of us

  34. Not at all, I feel safer next to a loaded gun then next to a stationary (but running) car. Even then I can’t remember the last mass shooting close to me that wasn’t gang related

  35. I have never worried about my personal safety, unless I’m walking along a road at night, at which point I’m worried about inattentive drivers.

    The chances of my being a victim in a mass shooting is about the same as my chances of dying by being struck by lightning (30 deaths by mass shootings–that is, events involving 5 or more victims in one event–in 2021 verses [29.6 struck by lightning on average across the past 15 years ending in 2021](, yet I don’t cower in fear when I hear the thunder rumbling in the background.

    Though to be fair I probably could do more to make myself safe. Like stay indoors when it’s raining.

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