I’ve always been insecure about my vagina not having a tight grip. Even after going so long without sex, it wasn’t feeling as tight as I’d want it to be, definitely impacting my enjoyment during sex (my partners dick is fat and I couldnt even grip it). Is there anything I can do to tighten up? I’m aware of kegels but I feel like they aren’t effective.

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  2. Oh, kegels are effective all right!

    It’s not like you’re going to do one and be done though. It’s like going to the gym, a lifetime commitment. The upsides however…

  3. “Grip” is just some stupid bollocks that teenage boys came up with. It’s not a real thing, and the kids who talk about it are outing themselves as virgins. Don’t sweat it.

  4. Is this something that’s in your head or has your partner told you you are not tight enough?

  5. Go see a pelvic floor physio therapist! If you have insurance it’s like covered just like regular physio, but be sure to find someone who focuses/specializes in pelvic floor. They should do a full exam including palpating internally while you engage different muscles. It’s less awkward than a gyno visit and much more comfortable. They can give you exercises and by implementing those I saw huge improvement immediately (though my issue was being too tight and needing to breathe/relax) SERIOUSLY recommend for anyone! Otherwise you’re just doing your best guess at working kegels and might be wasting time doing them wrong 😑

  6. If you’re really trying to develop strength in your vaginal muscles specifically for sex, kegels and hypopressives are the way to go. Also, make sure to take some time to relax and stretch your pelvic floor afterwards.

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