Recently, me and my bf have started having sex. We are using the pull out method but we don’t go on long enough for him to reach an orgasm. Recently though, we have been going for longer, so I’m not sure when we should stop before he ejajculates.

  1. He could just tell you when he is about to cum, or he slows down a bit to avoid cumming. You cant know when he is about to cum, but he knows.

  2. Have him tell you? He knows. My girl especially loves for me to talk her through it.

  3. If he’s on top, he knows when to pull out. If you’re on top, have him tell you, and be prepared to act quickly.

  4. You can’t. He has to tell you or pull out just before he’s ready to finish

  5. Your boyfriend if healthy is probably leaking sperm long before the urge to ejaculate so good luck with the pull out method.

  6. He’ll have to tell you, but you should know that the pull out method is one of the least effective methods and you should use another form of birth control or you will get pregnant. Condoms are simplest, if you wanted to go the IUD route you would never have to remember to take a pill

  7. Ask your boyfriend himself when he’s about to nut, not us. Only he can tell you. 😭

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