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  1. Most days, but we each have 1 day a week where we go out for individual hobbies. He has band practice, I have my bowling league with friends. Usually the other is asleep or close to it by the time we’re home.

  2. All of them. My kids had an 8:30 bed time. As they got older, it was just had to be in their room. They could read, or draw. Then as adults in there playing video games or whatever. In less than 2 weeks, We will be empty nesters.

  3. I retired early and she’s a SAHM. We spend about 4 hours per week apart. We’re both fine with that.

  4. Every night after 9pm, kids in bed until we go to sleep that is our time.

  5. You should add a vote “not married, just wanna see the results”!

  6. Rarely. We have kids – one who is only 6, so she’s pretty much always there. Plus, I am somebody who needs a lot of sleep, so I go to bed before my husband, and typically less than 2 hours after my daughter. We have that much time with just the 2 of us, maybe 1-2 times per month.

  7. DINK life for the win!

    But if pets count it’s a goose egg because those lovable little fuckers are *always* around.

  8. M-F we work opposite shifts, I’m gone before he wakes up and he’s gone before I get home, and he doesn’t get back home until I’m in bed. So we probably spend 30minutes to an hour on the weeknights. But weekends we spend the full 48hours together for the most part.

  9. We worked our butts off to retire early so we could spend every day having fun together. We are, in every sense of the words, best friends.
    We spend hours talking and laughing together.
    Amazing sex is just the icing on an already sweet cake!

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