I bought some of these new ‘scrunchy bum’ leggings for my 51 year old partner (extra elastic around the butt to ‘lift and separate’); she looks amazing in them so I ordered another pair. Somehow I ordered the XL rather than the medium, and as they were so cheap I thought I’d try them on ‘for a laugh’ rather than return them.

Whilst I’ve often admired the female form in well-fitting leggings I’ve never once wished I had a pair of my own… but damn they are comfortable! With nothing underneath there’s no ruckling up or getting my bits tangled, and the tight fit is strangely comforting, like being swaddled in a blanket as a baby.

Even as a fit, slender 45 year old guy (I cycle every day, lift weights and skate at weekends), I had assumed that I would look ridiculous… but my girlfriend was genuinely impressed and it felt like I was being admired in a whole new way. And I quite liked seeing my leg muscles accentuated and butt cheeks lifted and slightly separated; a newfound appreciation for my own body.

I’m not about to start wearing them in public or even when friends visit, but I can see myself wearing them just chilling at home.

Women of the UK: how would you feel about a guy wearing leggings? Weird, or okay if they have the right body shape?


Edit: wow, didn’t expect so many comments! This is the product:


The butt isn’t anywhere near as accentuated as in the photos but the ‘scrunchy’ aspect prevents your ass cheeks from being mashed together like shrink-wrapped raw meat.

I’ve been wearing them for several hours alone at home today, they are pretty comfy but could do with a bit more room up front so I’m going to take a look at men’s leggings next.

For the odd response suggesting this is the wrong forum and that this is some sort of fetish post… not at all, you perverts! Just a regular masculine dude who was taken by surprise and wondered if I were alone.

  1. My other half had some for his sport. They looked great.

    I don’t think I’m ready to see men wearing leggings as daywear but probably nicer round the house than saggy joggers.

  2. Lots of my cyclist buddies wear cycling tights, so you might not even look that out of place wearing them in public given that you ride daily.

    But if you’re comfortable, that’s the main thing, and the fact that your girlfriend is into it is a bonus.

  3. >And I quite liked seeing my leg muscles accentuated and butt cheeks lifted and slightly separated;

    There are more specialist Reddit forums I think for this sort of question.

  4. Wear what you like. Used to do legging and shorts in winter when out for a jog.

    Tbh coming summer sarong/skirt/kilt what ever is great to relax about the house in

  5. I don’t need to read any of that to say yes, it’s absolutely perfectly fine for anyone to wear leggings.

  6. >okay if they have the right body shape?

    Nah f that, I want the big fellas (or anyone of any body shape) to be able to enjoy wearing their legging as well. Nobody should be excluded from the joy of chilling in comfortable, stretchy clothes 😎

    Welcome to the leggings club, OP! If you do feel self-conscious about going out in them, then you can always pop a pair of exercise shorts over them, and I don’t think anyone would bat an eyelid. They’re also great for layering under a pair of trousers in the winter to help keep the cold out.

  7. I wear tights under my shorts to work out in the winter. They’re men’s ones but not much difference really, wear whatever is comfortable.

  8. “Well I wouldn’t wear that, but do you like it?”
    “And do you feel comfortable in it?”
    “And do you care that other people might not like it?”
    “Brilliant, wear that then”

  9. Wear a codpiece and reclaim leggings for the man-folk I say.

  10. Something about this post disturbs me…almost like the OP was getting off on this

  11. I’m so here for this. I’m absolutely down to see men in leggings. Leggings for every body!

  12. You’re 45. Please don’t. This ain’t love island we don’t wanna see it

  13. It’s cool. But you must be prepared to be ruthlessly mocked.

  14. The gendering of clothes is a social construct.

    Wear whatever makes you happy.

    Edit spelling

  15. Wear what ever you want, I can guarantee 99% of people won’t give a fuck.

    If you like them then you do you.

  16. I do not care what other people wear as long as their genitals are covered.

    If you want to wear them and like them then go ahead.

  17. I have leggings with a robot t-rex on one leg and a unicorn on the other and I wear them bouldering

  18. Okay so, Nike actually does leggings for men. Check them out. I’d probably advise against women’s leggings on men as they probably don’t have the “space” required for your junk so may not be as comfortable (or easy on the eyes for others!)

  19. I wear leggings when I cycle but I always wear shorts over the top because not everyone wants to see a perfectly outlined cock and balls.

  20. Really? Is this just some sort of voyuer post?
    Who the fuck cares what you wear in the privacy of your own home. And or frankly out?
    Did you see a law on what you can and can’t wear at home?
    Who would even know? Why do you care what women ‘of the uk’ think. This is a wierddddd post.

  21. Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!

    Nothing at all…

    Nothing at all..

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