TLDR: fwb has essentially turned into a rs however there’s no commitment to each other but we want to keep hooking up so idk what to do.

Hi everyone, I just need some guidance and clearance. Any advice/opinion/criticism is welcome!

I’ve been hooking up with this guy I met a month and a half ago, we jumped right into establishing that it won’t turn into a relationship and it’s just a fwb situation.

This is my first time doing a fwb with anyone so I don’t know my boundaries either but I figured I could do fwb. It’s important to note I do tend to get attached quite easily so I was careful of that. The past month we’ve hooked up BUT he’s also video called me every other night (if not every night) so we got into the habit of doing that, it became normal. He works during the day but he still would message me once he wakes up and sometimes during the day, then again at night. Weve also shared deep things w each other such as family, how our days have been, if either one is in a bad mood we try to cheer each other up. We’ve hung out casually or like been on ‘dates’ so we’re basically in a rs except there’s no commitment.

I’m not sure how I feel about acting like a gf to someone knowing it won’t go anywhere but I also dk if this is what fwb is like?

A week ago I told him I wasn’t cool acting like a gf if it wasn’t going anywhere and he was upset. The next day he told me he still wanted to keep talking to me as friends. We met a while ago and both of us still wanted to keep hooking up.
My problem is, idk if I should just limit it to that and make sure we don’t talk every night and basically limit our conversations and just meet to hook up or if I should cut him off completely. I don’t like the thought of him hooking up with someone else and he doesn’t either. When we used to talk every day, I got used to it and so did he.

1 comment
  1. The difference between a friendship with benefits and a hook-up or booty call or one night stand is the **friendship** aspect of it. Can you be friends with someone you’re having sex with or do you only want sex with him or do you need to go back to a non-sexual friendship? We cannot decide your limits for you. You’re going to have to decide what it is you actually want from him – and if he doesn’t want the same, then it’s time to break things off.

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