Just wondering. I know it’s scary to think about but also crazy to think that classmates have done it and are even bragging about it. Was it scary for you? When did you first do it?

  1. The answer is no, there isn’t a correct age. Some lose it at 15 or even earlier, some, like me, around their twenties (21), and sometimes even later. I’ve had friends in school that had sexcapades and bragged about it. My two cents would be to say don’t rush into having it. It’s overrated, your first time is gonna be awkward, and that’s ok. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere. You’ll know when the time is right.

  2. Well what I can tell you is that doing it safely is the way to go , I’m not mean it like using protection which is a must , but to be informed and with a person who you really trust and you feel safe , I heard stories of girls and guys that were rushed by their partners to do things that they didn’t feel ready and didn’t have a good experience and they regret it a lot. So my advice is to not be pressure by anybody. You are young and a lot of people will be trying to be more “mature ” so just be yourself and don’t rush anything you don’t want to do or you don’t feel to do it , safety ,trust, security and from my opinion a close relationship is my advice

  3. The correct age is when you are comfortable. As long as you feel it being “scary” then that is the wrong age even at 35.

    Now let me say something about your bragging classmates;

    This myth has been going around before your grandparents grandparents grandparents even boned, and I’m telling you, it’s a lie. According to a recent study, less than half of people age 24 and younger have ever had sex. And still, for people ages 25 – 29, still 12 percent have STILL never had sex.

    Let me be the first to tell you: no one actually cares if you’re a virgin or not. Literally, nobody cares. Other things matter way more, like are you respectful? Do you care about people? Are you not a giant blowhard?

  4. The more attractive and socially apt you are, the lesser will be this age. Sometimes if you’re too attractive , even social skills maybe ignored. Applies particularly to guys.

  5. There’s no correct age. The correct moment is when you decide that you’re ready, you’re with someone who makes you feel safe and comfortable, and you have a condom.

    ETA: Try not to be influenced by social pressure. It doesn’t matter at all if your friends are already engaging. You’re on your own journey.

  6. Lost it at 20. Honestly glad I waited till I found someone I trust and care about despite the pressure of all my friends and everyone around me bragging about it. It’s not a big deal to me but you’ll remember that person and experience for the rest of your life. Be wise.

  7. I was 18 years old, I’m a guy.

    Some classmates were 14, 15 etc.. My cousin was 21 or something.

    All is normal, as long as both parties feel ready.

  8. There is really no specific age, it all depends on the mental maturity that you and your guy have.

  9. I lost it at 19, and I’m sooo glad it happened at that time!
    Also had classmates losing it earlier (but I also wasn’t the last girl in my class), but I never really had the chance to do so, never had a long-term partner before (khm… My teenage years ruined by a very annoying virus…)
    So I only lost it when I got to Uni, with my first boyfriend. By this time I knew what I wanted, knew my boundaries, knew about protection, and in a loving relationship I was able to really discover my sexuality in a safe way.
    One of the best decisions in my life.
    So my advice: Don’t be afraid to wait. Don’t do it just bc everyone is doing it. Wait as much as you need, rather then ragret it later.

  10. no there is no correct age, everyone is different. I was 13 and it was fine, only about 80% of my friends in high school had done it by the time we were 18 so it’s not abnormal to wait until you’re older

  11. The average time is 17/18. But no there isn’t any right age. Some people at 13 other people at 30. I lost it at 17 I was a bit nervous but nothing abnormal and I don’t regret it. Take things in your own time.

    Edit: I just read that your 13. 13 is definitely on the younger end of things. So please don’t stresss about sex. Do it when you’re ready

  12. There’s no correct age, because sex isn’t about a number of years, it’s about honest communication and mature decision making. You have to be brave enough to express what you want and don’t want without fearing rejection, and you have to have enough self-control to do the less fun parts (using a condom even though it doesn’t feel as good, obeying your partner’s “no” when you want to continue, etc).

    I was 19 my first time, with a 20-year-old partner who never crossed any of my boundaries and never shamed me for expressing those boundaries in the first place. I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything. If I had done it 3 years earlier, I wouldn’t have been mature enough to speak up about my needs, and it wouldn’t have been a positive experience.

  13. i was (am still am) 18 when i lost my virginity, yes it was scary, no it doesn’t matter when you lose it

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