how do you get anyone to fall for you?

  1. You can’t make anyone fall for you. You can’t force that out in anyone. They either do or they don’t. And if they don’t, accept it and move on.

  2. Feelings should be genuine, and you can’t force someone to fall for you. I think it’s a matter of putting yourself out there and being yourself. If that person isn’t feeling it, that sucks but…there’s tons of other people who will think you’re awesome.

  3. You must be nothing other then your true self. Show what you love. Show your strengths and talents ….. shine …. and you’ll be the sexiest person in the room 😉

  4. by being myself

    you cant really make somebody fall for you in any certain way. if you try to change yourself just to make someone love you then it isn’t genuine and its not meant to be

  5. You just be yourself. Whoever accepts you for you – when you’re feeling most comfortable and happy – is the person who deserves you.

  6. just be urself, if they don’t like it then don’t take it personal, just move on

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