Has anyone ever tried online dating through random chats? I was chatting with some guy on this live news thread on YouTube- this jazz station I listen to everyday. Is that weird?

My husband and I are going through a divorce and while I am not looking at dating yet AT ALL yet my therapist told me it was healthy to do things like that (chat, dress up and go places and be social) because I am still young and not dead yet. Lol 😂

  1. I don’t see a problem with it. I mean everyone on here talks back and forth as it is. Is it a bit odd? Sure, but at the end of the day you started with a conversation and it led to more.

  2. I know folks that met their spouse in places like IRC, usenet, ICQ, or EQ/DAOC/WoW. Chatting in YouTube chat isn’t really much different!

    Edit: I really am outing myself as old here aren’t I?

  3. Get your flirt on, girly! It’s wonderful to feel liked and enjoyed. I think playful flirting is completely different from objectification or lecherous advances… Which is the kind of attention that isn’t playful or fun for the other person.

  4. I met my ex on reddit…he commented something funny on a post, I replied, we went back and forth with jokes and then I DM’ed him and we hit it off, moved to texting. we lived thousands of miles apart so had to make it work long distance before moving in together. I don’t really recommend doing that, as the distance allowed him to hide a lot of things (namely, alcoholism) from me and then things got bad when we were living together and it was a bad ending.

    BUT…all that’s to say…never second guess where you’ll meet someone. just cause my met-on-reddit story did not end in true love doesn’t mean yours won’t.

  5. Ugh remember the exhilaration you got when someone DM’d you in an AOL chat room? Like this could be my future wife (despite me being like 12 years old).

    … but also hopefully not a predator.

  6. I randomly messaged an artist I really liked on social media (no romantic intentions) and we needed up becoming really good friends. I say go for it!

  7. No, but im surprsied at all the different outlets people use to date now. I just never thought anyone outside of like dating apps would be serious about anything serious as back in the day even getting a gf online was taboo like wow you’re going to get kidnapped or die from someone online… Even dating on games was just barely becoming a thing… now people do it through forums and all sorts of sites… *shrugs*.

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