Not just attraction/affection but love.

  1. Pretty great.

    I’d say it’s similar to knowing you knowing you have the warmest, softest, fluffiest, and best bed to go home to.

  2. Extremely good, it just makes some stuff in life completely make sense.

  3. So good! I feel safe, protected, appreciated, cared for, beautiful, happy, supported, etc.

  4. I think it is inseparable of loving someone, there is no worth in being loved if you do not love that person.
    But if you both love each other it creates an incredible ease in life. You know the other person is there for you, you don’t have to pretend or overextend. You know you will be just taken as you are and you have little rituals you can come back to to feel connected.
    And the best is if you have communication strategies for when things have gone wrong and feelings got hurt. Knowing the other person wants to mend just as much as you makes you an unbeatable team.

  5. Talking in a non-romantic sense, my best friend for many years supported me through difficult mental health challenges. Before you go and tell me I took advantage of his kindness, it’s possible I did to some degree. But since those years we still hang out. I return the favor as best as I can and support him through his problems, I’ve apologized to him at times for how I probably affected his stress levels, and I’ve told him many times how meaningful his friendship is to me.

    The feeling of being able to call someone in the middle of the night if I really needed to, the feeling of being listened to and empathized with, it was very warm and comforting. To be told over and over “you aren’t useless”, “you are worth it”, etc. started to get through to me. It must have been grating on his ears to hear me criticize myself so much, but the fact that he was willing to argue with me every time about it is something I’ll always be grateful for.

    When you’re at your lowest in depression, you think you’re nothing but a burden on your friends and family. You think, *if only my friend would give up on me*. I didn’t 100% want to lose him, but I felt it was best for him, so I tried giving him the cold shoulder and ignoring him (bad plan, will not repeat). Even though he would have been *totally* justified if he didn’t put up with that behavior and decided to distance himself from me, he didn’t. He stuck around, and when I was ready to be more mature and stop freezing him out, he accepted me back.

    How can you even describe how you feel when someone loves you enough to do those things? Immense gratefulness, warmth, and joy are words I can use, but they’re not really enough.

  6. I can’t think of anything better. Simple as that (although chocolate comes a close second 🤭).

  7. You need to define what love first for you. Like really really love. Is it when you spend your life with them? Is it having sex everyday? Is it having someone pays everything for you? There are four stages of love. Attraction, dream, struggle and trust. You can’t trust someone in that “level” without having to be in the struggle phase of a relationship with that person. The question is not how does it feel to receive love. But how willing are we to discover the barriers we built against the love itself.

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