17f here and I’m honestly super embarrassed to ask this but my mom found and got rid of my dildo recently and I’ve never liked using a brush handle or anything else. I’m tempted to go and buy a cucumber or something like that to use as a substitute but I’m unsure if it’s safe or not

  1. I don’t recommend it personally but I think it should be fine? When I’m staying at my moms house I just revert to the shower head, fingers, and my old electric toothbrush 💀

  2. I once heard about someone who used a boiled egg inside a condom. Softer than a cucumber and less likely to hurt your vagina.

    So shitty from your mum to throw away your dildo, I’m sorry for you.

  3. I think it would be safe if you cover it with a condom, but only for vaginal play. Don’t put anything into your anus that does not have a flared base because it can get lost up there.

    Edits for spelling and to say have fun!

  4. Yes 100% I have used them with a partner and on myself. For extra glide, peel it. Makes grocery shopping fun. Enjoy!!!!

  5. Wrap a thin layer of TP around it before rolling a condom onto it. Will add some padding and texture.

  6. I don’t think it’s worth the risk, you may get an infection if you put a cucumber in your vagina.

  7. When I was a teenager with no access to buy toys I made an emergency power outage kit with candles, matches, little solar power crank radio/flashlight and a purple long handled flashlight. I would get condoms from the machines in gas stations and use the flashlight. It never had batteries in it as it was never intended for that purpose. The whole kit was an excuse. In the long run not sure if it was the safest idea but that might be a better option than a cucumber. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  8. My sister worked at the local convenience store and she said she had a customer who came in every weekend and bought a cucumber, a bottle of wine, and condoms. Worked for that lady, could work for you.

  9. Fine as long as you put it into a condom, coz you might struggle to fish bits out if it breaks in there!

  10. Go to target and get a vibe or dildo $20 self check out then hide it 100% positive you’d be happier with that

  11. Yep cucumber is safe. Just don’t choose something too fat, don’t want the condom to tear. Use a glove to grip the part that isn’t covered by condom. If it snaps stop using it.

  12. Not adding anything of value here but I just wanted to say that as a Mum with a kid a bit older than you…your Mum should well and truly be giving you your sexual privacy at this age. I never understood that attitude in parents, when they blanket ban something, it usually doesn’t mean their kid won’t do/use whatever they have banned, it just means they will do/use whatever it is in secret, outside the house and potentially endanger themselves needlessly.

    I wasn’t impressed when my daughter told me she wanted to try weed at 14 but I went and got her some and loaded my Dads bong for her and let her try it at home, where she was safe and supervised because if I didn’t, she would of done what some of her other friends did and went and got some off some shady dealers down near the bridge and been encouraged to try way more than she should of for her first time just as a laugh for those who were watching.

  13. It is safe. Cucumbers can be quite large so depending on what your body is used to, just choose the right size, definitely use a condom for hygienic reasons and take it slow when trying for the first time. Funny side note, I practiced with very big cucumbers before I had sex for the first time because I wanted to hide the fact that I was a virgin. Turned out that his dick was much smaller than the cucumber (even though it was average) and putting it in wasn’t difficult at all.

    Oh and I would definitely recommend a talk with your mom. I don’t know why parents think they are allowed to do such things. What you do/use to masturbate is just non of her fking business. Tell her that it was not okay to throw away your personal belongings and tell her that it is perfectly normal and healthy to masturbate, in case she really doesn’t know.

  14. Cucumbers, bananas, etc can work great, just put a condom on it to be safe that you are not getting any unwanted bacteria or that a piece breaks off inside.

  15. Your mom needs to understand masturbation is a normal safe and healthy practice. It is our right and our body. You wouldn’t dare to buy another one and simply hide it where you know she would definitely not find it?

  16. Lol of her mom found the dildo I’d love to see her face when she she’s a cucumber in her daughters room. And condoms. Lol.

    Honey, I made salad tonight, used the cucumber you dropped in your room.

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