Throughout the years, my taste in terms of beauty and aesthetics have changed quite a lot.

I used to be drawn in by the commercial type of beauty seen mostly on cover magazines.

Nowadays my criteria have matured and spread out. Beauty for me means somethjng different and a sum of various factors such as: a defined sense of style and an expressive face – to name just a few.

Curious what you define as beautiful and how generous or strict you are with calling a woman beautiful

  1. I only use that word when I really mean it and when I know that attention is wanted. so it’s very rare

  2. I’m not generous about it because I don’t find everyone beautiful, so if I say it it’s true for me.

  3. On a scale of “Not At All” to “Extremely,” I think I’m sitting around “Pretty.”

  4. I find many people beautiful, because of various aspects of their appearance. But that’s because something broke inside me years ago, and I started finding most natural things beautiful.

    And, to be clear here, “beautiful” doesn’t equate to “attractive” to me.

  5. I think describing it as “generous” is pretty condescending.

    You like what you like, and you don’t like what you don’t like.

  6. Not sure how I define it, it’s a feeling and maybe different women have different traits/features that make me feel that way, I just know it when I feel it.

    And it’s rare

  7. I have a pretty broad appreciation for women, in the sense that I find most of them attractive. However, beautiful women maybe 5-10% of the female population. Those are the head turners, where you have to check yourself so you aren’t being creepy. Most women aren’t like that, they’re just average attractive women.

  8. I have always been able to go from very strict to very flexible. And always been able to understand what most men would consider beautiful and what most men do.

  9. All I know is that I’ve gotten older, I’ve started noticing some smokin’ hot moms walking around.

  10. Specifically the *word* “beautiful” kinda means being dressed up to me. A certain amount of elegance you might say. I don’t think of it as better or worse than any other word for being attractive, just different.

  11. Yeah I consider most women in real life beautiful to some degree, and the few women who do look like a maxim model in real life often act so entitled and arrogant and often mean, that their physical appearance isn’t even relevant to whether or not they’re beautiful. I have dated playboy models and only fans talent and ballerinas and I’ve also dated women 200+lbs with homely faces and unremarkable bodies. They’re beautiful when they’re truly present and in communitas and engaged in something that’s not just chasing clout.

  12. When I was young face used to be very important. Now at 30 a body and legs can override a face… All women have those things, some are better than others, but most are attractive…

  13. I’m not generous with it, under most context.

    Physical beauty is still what it is and it is rare among people, male or female.

    Beautiful in some broader sense, I would use the term in an honest and authentic manner of expression, like when someone sings a song with great skill, but also deep emotion, and I might say “that was beautiful”. I also wouldn’t use this too often as I don’t see it too often.

  14. I don’t censor any positive adjectives in regard to girls and women (straight guy but do assess guys too true to my liking), I let the reptile brain come up with the suitable adjective.

    A note – almost all attractive women are exclusively sexy, cute or beautiful to me. Very few is two. Even if there is a bit of a grey scale. most fall into one or the other slot.

  15. I find it pretty easy to see beauty in someone. Whether or not I express it to that person out loud depends on a lot of things, but mostly our existing relationship and how appropriate that feels.

  16. I only say that if she is unbelievably hot or I am being polite to a friend.

  17. everyone has beauty, I just dont find myself attracted to all kinds of beauty. I tend to value aspects of personality and ideas more than physical appearance, though some people wear their personality on their sleeve and they do grab my attention quite a bit.

  18. I suppose its not my cognitive choice. There is no ‘rationality’ in aesthetics, at least for me. So if we are on a “generous scale”, it doesn’t even exist because i’m not even thinking about it.

  19. I’m pretty literal with my words. I feel like a lot of guys call their girlfriend/wife beautiful just to make them feel better, but I think that dampens the meaning behind it so I’m careful with saying if someone is beautiful or not.

    I find a lot of women good looking. If we are using the little definition of “attractive”, I can’t think of a a lot of women I was attracted to because of their looks. Like, I can only think of one woman I was interested before I actually got to know her. I don’t think I’ve ever told a woman she’s beautiful, but I also haven’t been in many situations where calling a woman beautiful would make sense.

  20. *”Men of Reddit, how generous are you with considering a woman beautiful?”*

    The same if she weren’t.

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