Hello! I am a 20 year old male and i’m having trouble meeting women around my age. I dropped out of college to pursue my career and i make steady, good money. I have reliable transportation in the form of 2 cars and i have a cat and my own place. I’m very genuine and loyal and overall respectful and have a good personality, just not the best looks wise. Online dating has brought me no luck and i’ve decided to go back to the old fashioned way. Since i’m not in school though i don’t know how to meet and approach women my age without coming off as disrespectful and or creepy. I’m not sure where is appropriate to approach someone and how to go about it. Any advice i’d appreciate it!

1 comment
  1. Live life without thinking about meeting a potential gf and that’s when they’ll appear. A lot of them will make it known if they like you. Even shy ones will do something if they have enough interest. Don’t waste your time on mixed signals bc it’s not worth the head games. Go to house parties for now and bars once you’re 21. Maybe get a part time job at local retail/grocery, the kind of job you really don’t care about losing and has plenty of women. A lot of people will advocate against this, but don’t listen. They were great outlets to meet girls before the social media and online dating era and they still are. Nothing beats in-person interaction. Just act normal, let them come to you, and keep doing what you’re doing. It sounds like you have your shit together and that’s already a major advantage compared to the majority of guys in your age bracket. Muscles and good hygiene go a long way too. And when you do get a gf, don’t make her your #1 priority. See her when you can, but keep your focus on work, buying a home, and putting money in a Roth IRA. Women come and go, but the right one will stick around if she admires the steps you’re taking in securing a stable future. She’ll want to be a part of that.

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