Men, what goes through your head after sleeping with someone you like for the first time?

  1. I always over hype it women really just act different when they like you

  2. If you think we’re having some sort of introspective moment where we contemplate what just occurred and think about, was it good, was it bad, was it magical… I got some bad news for you.

  3. *That was fun. Solid 6/10. I’m hungry. I could go for a Italian sub from that place on 63rd… they’re probably closed. Fuck. I could grab some Chinese on the way home. There’s some leftover lasagna in the fridge… Well, whatever. I’ll figure it out.*

    “Wow, that was amazing. You’re incredible. I wish I could stay but I need feed my dog. We should do this again sometime…”

  4. What can I do to respectfully and nicely hint for her to leave so I can take a massive dump.

  5. When I first slept with my wife I remember the next morning it felt like I was waking up at home even though I didn’t live there. We both got up, did our morning routines, and went to work and I just remember this absolute feeling of warmth and contentment.

  6. I feel WAY more secure. Like I don’t have to fuss about whether she likes me or not.

  7. If Anakin just stayed in the Jedi Council Chambers, then we wouldn’t of gotten the dogshit Episodes 7-9.

  8. Woo! Jackpot! Now how do I not fuck this up so I can do better during the rematch?

  9. I haven’t slept with someone for the first time in 12+ years…I honestly don’t remember 😂

  10. A desire to raid the fridge or make a midnight run to Taco Bell, and a need to do it again.

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