Throw away account for obvious reasons. As the title states I am a virgin at 28. I have always been an introvert and social awkward so meeting girls or flirting has always been very difficult for me. I have wanted to have sex for what feels like an eternity now but I am beginning to think it will never happen. I can never make the first move in worries of rejection. There hasn’t been been a first kiss yet. Suppose I am looking for advice on how to over come all of this. I just want to experience it asap.

  1. Get yourself a dating app, start chatting, and get rejected a whole bunch. There’s no way to get over the fear of rejection other than experiencing it and getting used to it.

  2. It is very normal my friend. Do not worry, seek hobbies and focus on yourself. Over a third of men are sexless or virgins.

  3. It’s easier said than done, but you just have to go out and do it. Face your fears and all that shit. Fake it til you make it.

    Here’s some advice that has helped me tremendously:

    “The best way of getting over that fear of rejection (or whatever it is for you) is allow yourself to be rejected and you’ll see that it was never all that serious.
    It’s like you’re trying to avoid drowning in the middle of an ocean so bad until you stand up and realize you were in a kiddy pool all along.”

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