I just recently found out that my GF of a couple months is pregnant. She told me she was on birth control so we stopped using condoms. I do love her but she is dead set on having the baby but i have my doubts. She hasn’t finished school or even got any where close to her life goals and I live in a different part of the state for work. I visit once a week but she wants me to move back to her town and stay there. The big questions i have are:

Is it a good choice to keep the baby since we are not where we want to be in life? I have always wanted to plan for a baby and be ready before bringing a life into the world and raising it.

How do I discuss this with her when shes is soo dead set on keeping it? Partly because of her religion and partly because of how excited she is.

Is it really on me to drop everything I have to move to her if we go through with this? I am more financially stable than her and she mainly wants to be closer to her family

TL:DR found out my girlfriend is pregnant and not sure how to proceed since I don’t think I am ready, and she is adamant on her decisions versus mine

  1. There is not nearly enough information to know if it is a good idea to keep the baby, but it doesn’t sound like you have a choice in the matter, so here’s hoping it is. You can discuss with her what you are willing to do if she keeps the baby, since those are your options. You can stay with her or not. You can be an involved father or you can just pay whatever child support is mandated. You need to decide what you want based on your options, and then communicate that choice to her.

    As to whether you need to move, that depends on what you want to do and what she is willing to do once the baby is born. I can understand her wanting to be close to family though as she will need support. It would take a really compelling reason to give up a support network if her family is willing to help her out.

  2. You need to just used to the fact you’re now becoming a father. Instead of seeing it as a burden, embrace the positive side of it.

  3. >Is it really on me to drop everything I have to move to her if we go through with this?

    It depends whether you’re going to step up as a father or not.

  4. You are 27 nows as good a time as any to begin your journey into adulthood

  5. You don’t get a choice, she is having this baby. Your only choice is whether you stay in the relationship and how involved a dad you will be.

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